Bad influences & negative energy can ruin your healthy lifes

Edit to add the long title: bad influences & negative energy can ruin your healthy lifestyle.

Yesterday, I had a really bad eating day (for me anyway). It wasn't horrible in comparison to how I used to eat, but for my lifestyle now, it was bad. I spent yesterday evening with my on again, off again ex/not so ex boyfriend. I realize that even though I love him, he's toxic in terms of my lifestyle. He drinks regularly, I drink maybe once or twice a year on special occasions. He smokes cigarettes, i quit over seven years ago. He eats once a day if that and when he does, he loads up, chips, cookies, sweets, meat, pop (soda), etc. I eat and snack regularly, veggies, fruit, rarely any red meat and sometimes no meat at all. he likes things that contain high fructose corn syrup. I won't buy products that contain it, period.

Anywho, yesterday he visited and he ended up getting me in a bad head space and mood in general (we're having some issues to say the least, we're probably about to be off again), but it wasn't until late last night as I was laying in bed how much of an influence he had over my eating and my mood. That's not to say I'm not responsible for what I feel and what I put in my mouth, but the situation reminds me of a mantra I used to keep when I was on weight watchers years ago: "why keep a pack of oreos in the house if you're trying to diet and you KNOW they're your weakness."

With that said, toxic people or people who are close to you that don't necessarily subscribe to your lifestyle can be harmful, even if unintentionally, to your mental state, mood and eating habits.I have to figure out what I'm personally going to do about my situation with my whatever he is to me, but I do know this, my health is more important. I need positive influences and there's no reason anyone should be in my space getting me off track. I simply do not have to allow it and i would rather be healthy, stick to what has been working and if I have a cheat day or meal, then let it be because I chose to, not because someone drove me to it.

'm really just venting here, but maybe my experience and epiphany will help someone else.


  • shunima
    shunima Posts: 13 Member
    Guess the real problem is that he's bad influence. I go out with friends, people I like and after a while this "what the heck" feeling kicks in. I still try to limit my intake but when I record food and drinks the next morning I'm usually far beyond my limit. Beers and pub food do not suit my plan :-( Having said that... during the past three months I lost more than 20 lbs, had half a dozen of fun evenings and the one thing I learned is that I don't need to limit myself when it comes to enjoying my life on some days. I still loose weight, I might have lost a few pounds more by now but I probably wouldn't enjoy it. It's not the goodies you eat you should worry about, it's him... Stay pretty :-)
  • You are amazing! thank you for posting this :) You sound like a very smart know what you have to do and I know you will do it when you are ready, but just being so aware of what is going on is a huge step! You have helped me realize that I also have a couple of people in my life who I should consider staying away from completely, I have distanced myself already but sometimes even that is not enough, you have to cut them off completely!
  • Yunnieh
    Yunnieh Posts: 89 Member
    I hate reading so,shortly,
    Bad influence keeps me up. Like if I eat more than 150 cals, I feel down and have bad influence on myself, I cry and cry, but then, I get up and work out my *kitten* off,fast the next 3 days and I feel proud.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I hate reading so,shortly,
    Bad influence keeps me up. Like if I eat more than 150 cals, I feel down and have bad influence on myself, I cry and cry, but then, I get up and work out my *kitten* off,fast the next 3 days and I feel proud.

    This is a very worrying post. I read your about me. Do you have a support worker? Eating 150 cals or less is NOT healthy.
  • ladynica
    ladynica Posts: 329 Member
    I hate reading so,shortly,
    Bad influence keeps me up. Like if I eat more than 150 cals, I feel down and have bad influence on myself, I cry and cry, but then, I get up and work out my *kitten* off,fast the next 3 days and I feel proud.

    This is a very worrying post. I read your about me. Do you have a support worker? Eating 150 cals or less is NOT healthy.

    I agree. A 150 is what an apple and half a banana? What I'm going through is a temporary emotional situation, but i'm concerned about you yunnieh (hope I spelled your screen name correctly).
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I hate reading so,shortly,
    Bad influence keeps me up. Like if I eat more than 150 cals, I feel down and have bad influence on myself, I cry and cry, but then, I get up and work out my *kitten* off,fast the next 3 days and I feel proud.

    This is a very worrying post. I read your about me. Do you have a support worker? Eating 150 cals or less is NOT healthy.

    I agree. A 150 is what an apple and half a banana? What I'm going through is a temporary emotional situation, but i'm concerned about you yunnieh (hope I spelled your screen name correctly).

    Ditto. And reading her profile, she says she has suffered with anorexia.
  • ladynica
    ladynica Posts: 329 Member
    You are amazing! thank you for posting this :) You sound like a very smart know what you have to do and I know you will do it when you are ready, but just being so aware of what is going on is a huge step! You have helped me realize that I also have a couple of people in my life who I should consider staying away from completely, I have distanced myself already but sometimes even that is not enough, you have to cut them off completely!

    Thanks. My point exactly. Some people hurt the cause more than they help it and some people just shouldn't be in your life... at least until your more stable in your changes and habits.