I want my big butt and I cannot lie...

...my boyfriend just can't deny
that with my weight loss, he lets out a cry
that my booty is disappearing

Ok, I can't rap or rhyme worth beans.

Anyway, my bootyful bum is shrinking and I don't want it to. ;(

I would like to be able to add more meat to it through exercise. Which kind of weight training/yoga poses can I do to achieve this? Mind you, I don't have a membership to a gym or weights at home.

Is lunges (*shudder*) and squats enough?

I work at a restaurant full time as a server and I do about 10 miles of jogging total a week.


  • Behl9
    Behl9 Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks for posting this, I wish I had the answer for ya :frown: but I will be watching to see what everyone advises cuz I'm looking for the same thing!
  • JeepBrah
    JeepBrah Posts: 150
    squats squats and squats also stiff legged deadlifts