A Deceptive, Lying, electronic "friend" from HS



  • hennyben
    hennyben Posts: 317
    At least you found out.

    3 words:

  • mimieob
    mimieob Posts: 54
    no really i work for mi6, wear a suit with a necktie and drive an aston martin....

    Really? I work for mi6 as well :laugh:

    DORKS !!!!! :laugh:
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    my bro in law had a HS girlfriend..they hooked up on FB...he went out to Jersey from South Dakota..it was all lovey dovey..then he got back home..and shtuff fell apart..needless to say...people change ...going from a teenager to an adult changes people...good luck..and you are never alone..you have MFP>.
  • katiedid1226
    katiedid1226 Posts: 233 Member
    I apologize. My first response was so cold. No matter what the issue you are in pain and I did not even address that. All the advice in the work is not going to help the sad and painful feeling you have right now. But perhaps the fact that you recognized this person for what they are will give you strength to get through it.

    No apology necessary. If I had listened to my head (right from the beginning there were red flags) instead of letting my emotions take over....blah blah blah. The other gal involved was married & the same day the dude dumped her, her husband left her. So yes, I dodged a bullet. It has to be much more tough on her.

    I just need to fix my routine....we always texted while I was on the treadmill....other things like that. It's all fine...been a rough day or two, but today I'm back to normal. Whatever that is.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    you have no choice than to just get past it.

    personally, i don't do the regret thing - what's done is done. not to sayit wouldn't piss me off. I'd get very angry. and use that anger in my next so many long runs. and then i end up thinking how sad a person would have to be to do this to get friends. and then the anger subsides into pity. and at that point, i'm over it.