Need suggestions...

bearxfoo Posts: 81 Member
my fiance and I are really sick of eating out for lunch almost every day. I have school four days a week and he has it twice. I'm not a big salad eater so eating out is a real challenge (not only that but the sodium in restaurant food is disgusting!), and I think the biggest reason I've gained weight all these years and am having a hard time losing is the fact that we eat out.... a lot, sometimes every day for a week.

So we need some suggestions of things to bring with us for lunch while we're at school. We do not have access to refrigeration and we're both in class from 9am until noon. Then we get an hour break.

So any help is much appreciated!


  • alemap67
    alemap67 Posts: 13
    you can always keep your food in a small cooler with some icepacks and leave in your car. Do you have access to a microwave on campus? you can bring yogurt, fruit, sandwich, pita with hummus, carrots..the list goes on. prepare your meal the night before keep in fridge and all you have to do is place in cooler...then there is no excuse you didn't have time.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    These are more like snack items but can be combined into a meal: string cheese, nuts, protein bars, crackers and cheese, apples, bananas and other fresh fruit, cherry tomatoes, celery and carrots, etc.
  • br2012
    br2012 Posts: 52 Member
    Do you like chili? you can hide all sorts of veggies in turkey chili rather than eat salad. we make a pot on the weekends which is great for lunches or snacking on all week.