Bigger Breakfast

katietoole12 Posts: 13
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm trying to "front load" my a bigger breakfast, smaller lunch, little supper. I'm trying to reach 550 calories for breakfast. This morning I ate oatmeal, milk, berries, and an egg and only got to 350. Without adding something fatty like sausage, what more could I eat? Also has anyone tried eating this way. Any suggestions? I'm very used to little or no breakfast and a big end of day (like I eat from 5pm on).


  • dclarsh
    dclarsh Posts: 364
    You could try mixing protein powder in with your milk. Get a lighter version though... they sometimes have a lot of fat. Two scoops of muscle milk light is 190 calories.

    BTW, many studies have shown that a bigger breakfast does in fact lead to more successful weight loss because you're less likely to get over hungry during the day. So good work!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    That actually sounds like a great breakfast! Don't feel you have to stuff yourself at breakfast. You may want those calories for later!:smile: Metabolically, although eating a good breakfast is mandatory, "front-loading" your calories may not really help you lose more weight.

    Good luck!:flowerforyou: If 500 cals at breakfast is a struggle, aim for about 350- very do-able.
  • mamamia866
    mamamia866 Posts: 21 Member
    or you cold save the calories for lunch. but it also depends if you take your lunch to work or buy it. I bring along low calorie/high protein snacks that you could eat before and after lunch if you're feeling hunger pangs. you could mix lowfat yogurt and fruit, or fruit alone. nuts may also help, but you can only really "snack" on half a cup. I loooove cashews. orville redenbacher's 100 calorie packs are pretty good too if you have access to a microwave.
  • Robin_
    Robin_ Posts: 105
    I know a big breakfast is pushed in the health management field, but I am a night owl, and if I start eating in the calories run out way before I'm ready for sleep. Everyone is different ~ don't worry about what everyone else does....just do what works for YOU!
    (I did.)
  • rbeglen
    rbeglen Posts: 37
    I would save your calories for lunch. I actually do eat a high calorie breakfast. You could try high fiber oatmeal, a banana, and a fiber one yogurt, or just substitute the oatmeal for a whole wheat bagel with a small amount of flavored cream cheese. This breakfast packs alot of protein and fiber, will keep you full, and will give you the energy you need to exercise. You should hit 400-500 with this breakfast.
  • onfleur
    onfleur Posts: 159 Member
    Try to add a slice of whole wheat toast with peanut butter and sliced banana on it. That will add calories, protein (which lasts longer) and will most definitely fill you up. Good luck.
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 479 Member
    i do my morning protein shake which consists of
    1 cup of non fat milk
    carnations chocolate protein powder
    maybe frozen strawberries
    or whatever fruit u like
    and sometimes ill add non fat yogurt

    this would run me about 500..
    and i usually have to force myself to eat lunch

    hope this helps
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    my only suggestion is to ramp up calories slowly, if you do this over the course of several weeks, adding maybe 50 cals every other day, it should be much easier then trying to suddenly add like 200 calories to your breakfast.
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