Losing the Determination...

Any advice on breaking through a plateau of motivation??? I've come really far on my journey here and am about 15 lbs. away from my goal. I am actually back to where I started before starting law school, which was a mini-goal as well. But now that I'm fitting back in most of my "regular" old clothes, I've seemed to have lost the passion and determination to finally losing that last 15. I'm not tracking my calories like I used to and logging my meals consistently. I'm keeping up with my exercise (for the most part), but I definitely feel a lack of motivation. At the beginning of starting to try to lose weight, I have so many more motivating factors, such as health problems, no clothes that fit, depression, etc. Now they're less present. It's like my mind is saying, "ok, you're close enough." I'm so grateful for how far I've come but I'm not done yet! What do people do for an internal pep talk, or is this just a lull that eventually I'll get over?