Thick & thin - anybody else half of a fat/thin couple?


Just wondering if anyone else on here is trying to lose weight and in a relationship with someone bigger or smaller than them?
My fiancé is around 6' and weighs approx 180lb. He's slim but muscular and only has to lift a couple of boxes to get a six pack! I'm 5'10 and 250lb. He's very supportive and encouraging - I know he loves me regardless of how much I weigh, but I do wonder sometimes how he ended up with me! Is anyone else out there in a similar boat?

Hazel, 25, UK.


  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    My husband is very thin and generally at times can go without eating and also has a huge swert tooth. I am at 257 and he has been supportive in me trying to lose weight and is really good about handling things at home so I can go to the Y. I really don't feel like he judges me for my weight or anything like that.
  • MistyboBisty
    Oh yes. Even at my "goal weight" I will still most likely be bigger than my hubby. I'm convinced he loses weight from the mere effort of lifting the fork to his mouth. He has a very slender build and a very good metabolism. After 14 years together, he had put on 10 pounds while I had packed on a whopping 85! He is very supportive of my efforts thus far though, and has never made me feel bad about my weight gain. I have always hated it.
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    Haha I know the feeling. All my fiancé has to do is spend a day helping out in the warehouse at his job (he's usually a salesman) and he comes home with a six pack. It's so unfair! Especially seeing as he can ALWAYS out-eat me, his appetite is bottomless! His metabolism just laughs in the face of anything you throw at it lol. My goal weight is a few pounds less than him, I'm sure even if I hit it he will still look slimmer than me because of how we carry our weight differently! X
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    YES!! lol.

    My husband is fit, trim and has a hard body... I swear it's just good genes! Though, he is a carpenter lol. He can eat what he wants, when he wants, and it NEVER makes a difference to him. He has a 6 pack, and a gorgeous, 6' tall hard body.

    I, on the other hand, ballooned up to over 220lbs. I was around 185ish lbs when we met. I don't think I'll ever be as trim as he is. He is very supportive of my efforts (even measuring/weighing my portions for me) and has never said anything to me about my weight... other than he doesn't want me to lose too much weight! lol.
  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    I used to be the thick in the think/thin couple..but he caught up..looks kinda preggers now.

    Why do some men gain weight just in their bellies, like a turtle shell.:huh: .with an itty bitty butt, thin legs, and normal arms?

    Me, gain all over:grumble: especially face, arms, legs, belly, feet (damn it):noway: boobs:blushing: HAIR:laugh: (thicker and that!!):bigsmile:

    Men..can you tell me why? He does a lot of physical work, but does not exercise.
    nks in advance!
  • elishabeish
    elishabeish Posts: 175 Member
    Same here, My hubby is 6'1 and 195 lbs, I'm 5'3 and at my worst 228lbs, now down to 201. It's frustrating knowing he can eat an entire large pizza to himself and not gain an ounce where as I can gain 10 lbs just smelling it, lol. We are complete opposites physically and personality wise but soon it will only be a personalty difference =) I often wonder how he wound up with me too, I even ask him from time to time, He says "because I wanted you" love hearin those word <3
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I am the thin one. My husband is overweight.
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    Hahahaha like a turtle shell - that made me lol! :)))
  • MistyboBisty
    I'm loving that all these men I'm reading about on here are so supportive though! My hubs just couldn't understand why I didn't want him getting a good look at me when I got bigger and bigger. "You still look hot to me!" was his fav. line. God bless the man. But, no matter what they say, it's hard for a woman to be bigger than her man, I think. But, yeah, even if I weighed less, I'll always have the bigger which he says "Thank God!" LOL
  • tycusjay
    tycusjay Posts: 103 Member
    Yep! My Fiancee is 5'5" and 66 kgs. I am 5'6" and WAS 86 kgs, so a whole 20 kgs heavier than him! I'm now 69 kgs and my ultimate goal is to either weigh the same or less than him before our August wedding :wink:
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    I am big and my hubby is small. He weighs 159 and is 5'9".....he can eat anything not gain a pound! That means ice cream at night most of the time. But he loves me for me and that's all that counts! P.S. he never ever makes fun of my weight and is very encouraging for me to lose weight although he doesn't want the hips, butt or boobs to go away!! LOL
  • Andrea_McQ
    Andrea_McQ Posts: 56 Member
    Oh me too! He's at my goal weight but is 8" taller than me and complains about wanting to gain! What's worse is he had a great habit of splitting our dinner exactly in half on our plates. Have had to hammer it home to him that it isn't as generous as it might seem to do that! :-) It works for both of us to increase his portion and decrease mine.

    He's very supportive though, my highest weight was 210lbs pre/post 2 pregnancies (as in the babies didn't add the weight, I was there to start with) and he has never made me feel bad about my weight but is absolutely behind me getting healthy and loves to see me happier and more confident.

    It's a pain to hear him complain about trying to gain weight, but I'm really lucky to have such great support
  • mmlg4
    mmlg4 Posts: 2 Member
    As most men age, the 'bigger' belly is often related to testosterone it is a hormone thing. hth
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    Every time I talk about my goals for losing weight, he says he'll support me 100% as long as I don't lose my bum lol. He has a teeny tiny bum so the least I can do is keep mine so he has one to look at! XD
    I've been the smaller one in relationships in the past before, and that was strange for me to have a guy who was self-conscious about his size, no matter how much reassurance you give, they never believe you when you say that they are sexy and attractive. Must be the same for our men...maybe we should learn to take a compliment - at least they're trying! :)))
  • doinitforme2012
    doinitforme2012 Posts: 98 Member
    i'm 5' and about 160 and hubby is 6' and about 120. i would kill for that metabolism.
  • Reeny1_8
    Reeny1_8 Posts: 277
    Yes!! I'm 4"7 and 209lbs and he is 5"9 and 170lbs. He is muscular and I am jiggly :(
  • kbogart1996
    kbogart1996 Posts: 55 Member
    My husband is the thin one that can eat whatever he wants. He has also taken up running in the last few years and is a natural. He just ran 10 miles in 70 minutes.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    My husband is a twig
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    When my husband and I started dating I was 237 pounds at 5'9". He was 5'11" tall and barely 130 pounds soaking wet! Shortly after we got together, I started dieting/exercising and ended up losing 100 pounds. I was actually a little too thin for my height and frame size. After we got married, I got lazy and the pounds crept on for both of us! It's amazing how 3-4 pound gains add up over the years!

    Nowadays, I'm back to where I should be and weigh about 145 pounds and he's around 200 (slight overweight). I'm still crazy about him and he's crazy about me. Weight has never mattered to either of us. :-)
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Yep, well we're not really a couple, but we were about 40 years ago. After being divorced for about 35 years, my ex husband became disabled with COPD and more recently, has cancer that's spread through his body. I moved here, (about 100 miles from where I was before), over 7 years ago to take care of him. The cranky old fart ain't going easy; he'll probably outlive me (not exactly how I imagined spending my "golden years". Anyway, he has to eat high calorie meals to maintain/gain weight because of the cancer being everywhere and draining his body. Too late for chemo or radiation. So, I cook for him, then cook for me. We can seldom eat the same foods. So, anyway, he's skinny and I'm fat.