is it normal not to care anymore?

I've reached that phase where I instinctively eat healthy and live at a much nicer pace than before, I started my new lifestyle in September and I'd be lying if I said I didn't get jealous when people lose the amount I've lost in 8 weeks. But right now I'm in a place where I accept that everyone is different and that some people work harder than others, and some just have more weight problems.

The thing is I don't get hung up about my food choices anymore, I eat well 90% of the time, and when I don't I think it's natural and just incorporate it into my limit. If I'm with my friends and they go to a fast food place I also join and don't fuss over it (pet peeve: hate dieters who make everyone go to a different restaurant so they can get their grilled fish).

The point is that I've stopped caring about the "details", I know I'm within calorie limits (I still keep track of everything I eat and I'm within a weekly limit), I go to the gym several times a week and burn off about 2500calories a week. My arms look wicked and I'm really beginning to look hot! (vain much?)

It's just that I don't care if I'm losing weight. it's like the goal isn't the goal anymore, I'm not sure if it's a good thing that I don't focus on details and just continue... I worry that it could be because I've been at the same weight for a month and so I'm kind of "giving up", but on the other hand I do stick to the plan most of the time and I don't have those sugar rush moments or binges when you want to eat anything and everything.

Does anyone else have the same situation? Of not knowing if they have reached a "zen point" or if they are losing focus of their target?