Wondering if I should try a colon cleanser?? any advice?



  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member

    I have been wanting to try a colon cleanser but am worried that it might not be safe...has any one had a positive experience with a product that you can suggest. There are so many scams out there..


    I've done sessions of colon cleansing before, I thought it was a waste of my money, could have done the same thing at home. Although the lady who performed colon hydrotherapy on me said she had one guy come in and a marble came out that he swallowed when he was 10...imagine all the old stuff inside you ewww...

    Anyway take a laxative tea at night and saltwater flush in the morning (2 teaspoons sea salt "not regular salt" and 32 ounces of water) and trust me....that will clean you OUT!!!

    I've never swallowed any marbles or anything so I know I don't have any "old stuff" in me.
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Well, everyone is different, but, I HIGHLY recommend it. I think that people who are "regular" don't understand how uncomfortable it is to be "irregular". I eat healthy...lots of fiber, lots of veggies, etc. I use the colon cleanse set sold on TV (can't remember the name). Its the one with the green tea energy gel pills. I don't really use the gel pills but I swear by the cleansing system. I feel tons better and I do lose about 5 pounds when I do the cleanse. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't do it unless you've checked with your doctor and you were told not to.

    If you want to do a "fast" cleanse, you can buy the citric acid lemon drink at any local pharmacy. It is the same solution that they give patients before they have colonoscopies. It DOES weaken you so, only do it if you have a couple of days to recuperate.

    Anyway, that's my opinion on the subject. I'm not a doctor, check with your doctor before making any decisions. This is only an opinion.:tongue:
  • PeachJuice
    PeachJuice Posts: 14
    hello again, so for the past four days I have been drinking water and only water. And about ten litres per day. No, not kidding. And on the third day, so yesterday... not to gross anyone out but a whole lot came out. And I was worried cause it was watery and so I went to the clinic to ask a nurse (the clinic is down the hill from where I live) and told her I didn't have any pains and the like and all of a sudden I needed to get to the bathroom and water, among normal stuff came out. She asked me what I've been drinking and I told her water and about ten litres per day to keep myself full. She said that's why. And not too worry. It's cleaning out my system. And the funny part of it is that I felt great after! Amazing even. I jsut have a history of irregular-ness and of cancer down there I just HAD to check. But yea, I felt amazing.

    And I was drinking Tap water. My stomach doesn't like anything but tap water and aquafina. Every other kind of water brand gives me stomach pains.

    So point is that drink a LOT of water ALL DAY and after a few days your system will clear itself.
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    But I have heard that you can have "build up" in your intestines for decades. I suffer from irregularity constantly, even though I am getting 25-35 grams of fiber each day and of course drinking tons of water. I am constantly bloated and feel like a good cleansing would help me. I am wanting to try the lemon, maple syrup, cayenne pepper cleanse, but I am having a hard time committing to no food for 10 days. I wonder if it would be beneficial even if I only did it for 3 days?

    i'm doing a 14 day cleanse and on days 1 and 2 i felt "clean" after visiting the bathroom like 8 times. :-) I ate only fruits and veggies. that's it. and then your bowels regulate and you no longer have massive diarhea. but it's usually on day 2 that this happens so prepare yourself.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I'm absolutely postive that I am going to get a slap on the hand here by a few members...

    I am normally regular but maybe once a month my body decides it doesn't want to be anymore. When that happens I look for something as low sodium as possible that is absolutely raunchy for me... like breaded fish or something. That fixes the problem for me and rather quickly too....lol
  • PeachJuice
    PeachJuice Posts: 14
    hello again, so for the past four days I have been drinking water and only water. And about ten litres per day. No, not kidding. And on the third day, so yesterday... not to gross anyone out but a whole lot came out. And I was worried cause it was watery and so I went to the clinic to ask a nurse (the clinic is down the hill from where I live) and told her I didn't have any pains and the like and all of a sudden I needed to get to the bathroom and water, among normal stuff came out. She asked me what I've been drinking and I told her water and about ten litres per day to keep myself full. She said that's why. And not too worry. It's cleaning out my system. And the funny part of it is that I felt great after! Amazing even. I jsut have a history of irregular-ness and of cancer down there I just HAD to check. But yea, I felt amazing.

    And I was drinking Tap water. My stomach doesn't like anything but tap water and aquafina. Every other kind of water brand gives me stomach pains.

    So point is that drink a LOT of water ALL DAY and after a few days your system will clear itself.

    Okay so I just wanted to add, after rereading this message that I DID eat. like, I ate yogurt with raspberries in the morning, a turkey sub with lotsa veggies at lunch and a good supper. Also, friday and sat night I have tostitos chips with salsa and cheese. Like, eat healthy foods and good portions just drink litres and litres of water daily. More then the 8 cups recommended dose you know? like, triple that amount for sure. Don't drink juice or pop. Just water.

    Okay, just wanted to clear that up :)
  • GuitarJohn
    GuitarJohn Posts: 64 Member
    Before you try "Colonix," it is mostly Psyllium Husks Powder. Colonix is $69 for 3 containers, each one being 360g. My wife buys Psyllium Husks Powder at the health food store for $7.56. The container is 340g.

    It is a good way to make sure you are getting enough fiber.