Eating junk: treat or harmful in the long run?


so I've done well so far today. I burned about 500 cals and ate about 400. What I did eat was super healthy and I feel great! But I have some family over, and they're planning a big family Italian dinner, with gelato, popcorn, and candy with a movie after. I haven't eaten badly in weeks. I have over 1000 cals, but I'm worried with a large fatty dinner PLUS a large fatty dessert, is that going to hurt me in the long run? I have been SO SO careful, I feel like I'll be ruining all my hard work, but some junk food sounds so good. My diary is open, what would you do? Do you allow yourself splurge days?


  • stef827
    stef827 Posts: 215 Member
    I think the occasional splurge day is fine if you can still practice some self control otherwise you just end up feeling lousy if you overdo it then it wasn't even worth it (speaking from experience) have you actually finished logging your diary everyday that something is on there? Just curious as somedays your calories are very low. Good luck to you and enjoy your family :)
  • SkyMusic
    SkyMusic Posts: 43
    Yeah, all the days that are on my diary, I have finished logging my cals. I know they're a bit under, but I didn't think it was a huge problem.

  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    If you're logging everything regularly you are WAY under, not a bit. You need to eat more. Eating so little will not work and will harm you far more than occasionally eating "junk".
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    Hey sweetie, why are you only eating around 600 clas?? I am not going to advise you but what I will do is give you some stuff to read up on so you can create a plan that will work for you and not punish you and your body :)

    Here are a few website I use:
    For nutrition:
    I love Matt's blog:

    Here are the sites I use:
    HIIT (high intensity interval training):
    Instructions for HIIT for running are on the site, these are instruction for HIIT on stationary bike:
    HIIT with stationary bike start out with a 5min warm up @ tension 5. Then do 30sec @ tension 20, then 1 min @ tension 5 and repeat this for 15 to 20 min. Then bring back the tension to 5 for another 5 to 10 min cool down.
    For lifting:

    You might really like Intermittent fasting, I did it for a month and combined it with clean eating 4 days a week with a deficit of 400 cals then I had the weekend to eat at my maintenance level and I loved it. I also combined it with rigorous lifting and HIIT and ended up with excellent results.

    If I were you I would enjoy with my family, it take eating over your maintenance by 3500 cals to gain 1lb of fat. It is easy to gain weight due to water retention, but fat is not as easy.
    I hope you are able to have a wonderful visit with your family and lots of xoxo to you
  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    Same as what Denver said, you need to start eating properly, 500 cals a day, 600 cals a day will only get you a trip to the hospital. Your body needs fuel in order to function. Your starving it! Perhaps seeing your family Dr. or a nutritionist would be a very good idea. What your doing isn't healthy.


  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    Everyone else has said most of it but I'll address the junk question.

    In short, no. Junk food in the short term is not unhealthy or harmful. What hurts fat loss is a caloric surplus. Junk food does not negatively effect it unless it impedes on your macronutrients and calories.

    In the long term, it can be harmful to your health IF it prevents you from reaching your necessary intake of nutrients for the day.

    Long story short? Moderation. A lot of people on here will tell you all this stuff about healthy and unhealthy food but, really, it's just plain ol' nonsense. This doesn't mean I'm giving you permission to eat tons of junk all the time. Just stop and learn to be reasonable. You want a chocolate bar that's 180 calories (assuming you've had your nutrients and have calories left over)? Go for it. But if you decide to splurge on more then don't make it a habit.

    It is an impossibility to have a single day or even a week be unhealthy for an individual. Health is negatively or positively effected over time.
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    bump--these websites look great!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    You can't ruin your diet in one meal (or one day!!). However you can ruin your health by not eating enough! Eat more, enjoy a bit of a splurge today, you're body has earned it and will thank you!!