So I bought....

a wedding dress today.

It was completely unplanned. I had a bad day yesterday, so my mom took me out to look at dresses today to make me feel better. I didn't even plan on trying any on, but, it just happened.

So I tried on a few and found ~*the one*~, so we bought it, in fear of "if we wait, it could be gone later".

BUT. I'm concerned because I plan on, obviously, losing weight for my wedding. I'm just wondering, despite what my mom said (I need some extra reassurance or a reality check), if me losing weight will be an issue for my dress. She said "they can always bring a dress in." but can you lose SO much weight that they can't??? There's no exchanges or anything so........ I'm afraid to lose weight now! :(


  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    Don't worry at all! It can be taken in any amount. Taking a dress in is much easier for a tailer then letting one out :)