using exercise as a sole calories burner

hello folks hows is it hanging? :D

what do u guys think of the approach of using exercising as a sole calories burner and in the calories intake corner we only eat the "maintain" level of food intake and only using exercise as the progress wheel ?

reason for this is beacause im a loser when it comes to cut calories intake but i can maintain no problem and also im welling to kick butt in the Gym and so on.

u guys think this might work? and what are the cons and pros of this method?

thx in advance


  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    There are some on this site who advocate that approach.
    That the calorie intake be established at a maintenance level and accomplish the calorie deficit through exercise.
    In theory, it should work.
    MFP says to establish a calorie deficit by limiting the diet, then 'eat back' the calories burned.
    As long as there is a net calorie reduction of about 3500 per week, you should lose a pound.
    Mathematically, either approach should work.
    I lost my weight by reducing intake alone. I'm physically unable to exercise, so deficit through intake was my sole option.
  • cellokitty91
    cellokitty91 Posts: 127 Member
    Sounds like a solid plan. Cardio burns calories pretty quickly and as long as you're eating healthy you'll see results.