Stalled Weight Loss with Blood Pressure Meds?

Hi all,

I'm curious if anyone else has had similar issues.

I have been working steadily for the past few years on improving my health through diet and exercise. I have made huge strides in my fitness and overall health. I was put on blood pressure medication (Hydrochlorothiazide) in October of 2011 after monitoring my blood pressure for a year and it consistantly being high my doctor decided this was the best option (I have a strong family history of high blood pressure).

With in 2 months I gained almost 15lbs. Originally I had assumed it was from the holidays and stepped up my workouts and cleaned up my eating. Since January I have been working out 6 to 7 days a week, burning between 500 and 1200 calories a day in my workouts (including cardio, interval training and minor strength training). I am eating 1200 calories a day and eating back half my workout calories.

I have not diverted from this plan and have been more driven than ever - however the 15lbs I have gained will not come off - no matter what combination I try (not eating back calories, or zig zagging my calories, working out less, working out more etc etc).

In the past few weeks I have done some reading that leads me to believe the the blood pressure medications have caused my weight gain - and ultimately stalled weight loss. Has anyone else had this experience? And if so, what did you do?



  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    bumping.....this is my story too!. started taking same med and have gained about 8 lbs since with no other significant change.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I am a retired hospital medical floor nurse. I only know that while blood pressure medicines seem to "help" your blood pressure, it is like taking out the light bulb in the check engine box of your cars dashboard. I would highly recommend you checking out this website:
    and in particular listening to this recorded radio show for other "non medication" dietary changes you can make.
    Recorded radio show:
    I've been following the Eat To Live program since October and feel fantastic. Much more energy and my weight loss is easier. Several members of my family are doing this and most are probably only 75% compliant. It isn't vegan but it can be. I am aiming towards vegan. But when your health is at steak you are more likely to be open to options. My blood pressure is always on the border of high, but it is better now and this can only help. I'd do anything to avoid those nasty meds. They wreak havoc on your body and screw up your chemistries of electrolytes and such as the water weight gain testifies to.

    Best of luck to you.
  • Tajdancer
    Tajdancer Posts: 82 Member
    I'm taking this med also (25mg), but I've been able to lose weight while on it. However, it doesn't do the best job of controlling my BP.