Any Workaholics or people with a crazy job or crazy hours?



  • runmybunsoff
    runmybunsoff Posts: 224 Member
    40 hours?! I have never heard of such hours before, what?!! o_O LOL I am in the same boat. I ABSOLUTELY love my job, and have been told that I am a workaholic on numerous occasions. Yes, I have issues! I also work in my sleep,lol--I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about working. For serious! I have to wake up before the crack of dawn to squeeze in a spin class a couple of times a week, maybe some weight lifting. OYE!! And I try to run long on weekends. Sometimes, it doesn't happen. But I try!! Gotta get it done and keep trying. I'm here if anyone wants to be buddies! =) Cheers.
  • firelle
    firelle Posts: 118 Member
    I don't work (yet) but in Engineering there are days where I don't even sleep and I'm usually up til lateeeeeee at night in the lab. Feel free to add y'all :) It's so hard to be motivated to go to the gym when you know you have to stay cooped up getting ish done!
  • lrob100
    lrob100 Posts: 122 Member
    Me me me! Total workaholic. Started my own online business 9 years ago. Work anywhere from 60 to 100 hours per week. Lots of stress, lots of pressure. I blame this in large part for my weight problems over the years. Very sedentary, way too many hours spent sitting at the computer. My business was very very successful. This past June, I basically cut my work by over 70%. I work now just enough to survive financially (barely), but I decided I had to come first and foremost and GET THIS WEIGHT off. I'm still not finished. I have devoted the energy I put into starting and running my own company into my weight loss.
  • brendasnz1
    brendasnz1 Posts: 11 Member
    I own 4 retail stores with my husband which I do payroll & admin for as well as support the managers on a daily basis. On top of that I work as a contractor in IT & corporate Training 4 days a week, so I am clocking up 60-80 hours a week. When not working my head is still full of work. As I work on projects I often travel and work crazy hours during the deliverable period (up at 4am home at 9.30pm - hopefully!).
    On top of that my husband & I lead a busy social & family life between friends & family commitments & business functions we just never seem to get enough time to just sit (not that I've ever been good at sitting still at any rate!)

    In addition; I have food allergies that I always have to take into consideration every meal time which is enough some days to have me grabbing the closest & easiest takeaway food I can eat without thinking (usually hot chips!).

    But since I've started getting up at 4.45am (the only time I can guarantee i have to myself) to walk with a friend I find I have even more energy in the day - & I miss it when we don't go - who'd have thought!

    I lead a very full & busy life - so love MFP for ease of entering food & exercise on the go on my iPhone app. I think some days it's all that saves my sanity!!
    So would be wrapped to add you as a friend & compare notes on how to control at least 1 part of our lives!
  • nightsrainfall
    nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
    Bumping it up again. Though I hope everyone is getting some time off for the holidays. :-)