Next stage!!

Well after losing weight for 3 years with WW and with the help of MFP last year I lost 230lbs and went from a size 32 to a size 10 (UK), the only problem is that I kept moving the goal post (I never wanted to get smaller than a size 16), so enough is enough, I have set my final goal weight which gives me a total of 20 to lose, and today was the first day of my toning and core strengthening regime. I am planning on doing 30 mins of pilates everyday and did my first session today (50mins). I'm loving it, although I don't think my body will thank me in the morning :tongue:

I go on holiday in just over 5 weeks and I will lose some of the weight before I go and I will start to tone up for the bikini body. I don't care how long it takes me to lose the 20lb as long as I start to notice a difference in my body.

I have taken measurements, my bf has taken pics of me (which I don't want to see until the end) and he will take some more in 5 weeks and show me the results, so hopefully I will see a difference and I will be happy that my determination paid off.

Good luck to everyone who is on this journey, whatever stage you are at. If you are at the beginning, hit it hard, it is hard work, but it IS MOST definitely worth it, but give yourself time and small goals, it won't seem like such a BIG journey and don't forget to treat yourself every now and again, and if you are nearing the end, keep going the finish line is in sight - YOU CAN DO IT, WE ALL CAN!!

Add me if you want to do this together :)

Wish me luck!!

K xx


  • gigishiree
    gigishiree Posts: 62 Member
    good luck!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Congratulations! That weight loss is absolutely phenomenal and you look great! :) Are you sure you need to lose another 20lbs though? Looking at your pictures, it doesn't look like you even have that to lose!
  • Singtopia
    Congratulations! That weight loss is absolutely phenomenal and you look great! :) Are you sure you need to lose another 20lbs though? Looking at your pictures, it doesn't look like you even have that to lose!

    Thank you, a few people have said I shouldn't lose anymore but my doctor has said that I need to lose another 30lb to be a healthy BMI, now I know that is ridiculous, so i've set a goal of 20lb (although this is the extreme and not the ultimate goal). The first mini goal is 10lb and I will re-evaluate how I feel then.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Thank you, a few people have said I shouldn't lose anymore but my doctor has said that I need to lose another 30lb to be a healthy BMI, now I know that is ridiculous, so i've set a goal of 20lb (although this is the extreme and not the ultimate goal). The first mini goal is 10lb and I will re-evaluate how I feel then.
    That does sound a bit strange. I'm only 20 lb away from healthy BMI, I'm about a UK size 16 and don't look anywhere near as slim as you do in your photos. Anyway, I know doctors love the BMI, but it is a bit of a blunt tool. Another way of checking you're a healthy size is to check out waist/height ratios and waist/hip ratios. Anyway, good luck with whatever you decide!