Chronic Pain/Prostatitis

My fiance has prostatitis, also known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome. It is debilitating at times. I am wondering if there are any men on here with similar issues, or women in relationships/family with them. Have you found any connection between symptom management and exercise or diet? We've figured out a few types of foods he needs to avoid, but haven't found anything that helps. Exercising is difficult because it sometimes exacerbates his pain, especially running or walking for a long time or sitting on a hard surface (e.g. bike). Any ideas or support out there?


  • oldmike1030
    oldmike1030 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I know it's been several months, but did you ever hear anything? I personally have had chronic prostatitis for about 12 years, officially, but I think longer than that. Months of antibiotics that did nothing except mess up my digestive system. Actually I was going to make a similar post to this, but did a search first and hit on this. here's what I have done/learned: I use a few dietary supplements that have helped a lot, beta-sitosterol (the active compound in saw palmetto). As a beta-sterol supplement it is much stronger than regular saw palmetto. I also use a quercetin supplement. (The brand is Prosta-Q. It also has selenium and zinc, but I think there are other brands. It is not cheap). Most of the time I have been able to keep it in check. Occasional painful day and I rely on OTC NSAIDS. But recently it has been bugging me again, especially since I really started exercising hard again to lose weight. I have been reading that any exercise that really stresses the hip flexors (like bike riding, squats, climbing, etc.) can really aggravate the prostate. Bike riding also has the issue of the seat and added pressure on the prostate. Anyway I've settled on using my elliptical with a high resistance but a short stride to minimize the hip flex and move the stress into the thighs and outside of the hip. It seems to be helping reduce the pain, but it is still there. I know I should really take a few days off, but I really don't want to, maybe after I lose a few more pounds. I've also been doing yoga and tai-chi as they are slow, low stress and also relaxing. In general it never really goes away, but I can usually manage it to a very comfortable level. Sometimes when it flairs (like now) it can be maddening. If you have found out anything else over the last few months I'd be interested to hear what you've learned. I am particularly interested in what you may have learned about helpful, or at least less hurtful, exercising routines. Thanks.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Have you tried aquatic aerobics? Honestly don't know one way or the other but I do know that it has helped a lot with my own lower back and pelvic problems due to my degenerative disc disease... It is generally done in warm water up to the shoulders, so you have extra support of the whole body, VERY low impact but burns the same if not more calories. I go to classes at a local hospital in their rehab facility. It is pretty cheap compared to regular gyms, and is led by physical therapists that specialize in water work. I bet it would feel good at least... and if you were too sore to stand or do the leg work in the class, you can float and work your core and arms.

    Just a thought. Good luck!