some reassurance please!

so I generally work out everyday and feel completely lazy when I three days ago I came down with an infection which prevents me from working out. I think I'll be able to get back to it tomorrow but I feel like this gym hiatus is working against my weight loss goals. Fortunately I'm not binging or exceeding my calories (even though it is easy to go over when you cant do much besides eat!) Anyway, I'm feeling pretty down an out about it, so is this really going to hinder my progress or is it good to take a couple days off? Thanks, hope to hear from you guys,


  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    It will not hinder your progress to take a few days off, especially if you stick to your calorie goals. Rest, get better and be all the more ready to hit the gym hard when you're fit again.

    Hope you feel better soon.
  • ITMom
    ITMom Posts: 2
    Hi Rachel,
    I know how you feel. I was out running 4 weeks ago and injured my ankle when I hit a rock with my heel. It rolled the ankle, tearing the ligaments and supporting muscle. As I visited doctor's offices and got my pain medication filled I was feeling pretty low. In the weeks that have followed, I have been where you are several times. Remember two things:
    1. Your body needs to rest and recover from the infection. Going back to exercising too soon could lower your immunity and hinder your ability to kill the infection. Then you're right back where you good.
    2. You will get back to it, you sound motivated and ready to go, so just take deep a deep breath and visualize yourself at the gym having a great time. Then tomorrow, or the next day, when you go back, start out at a moderate pace.

    A couple of days off may be a good time to evaluate your work outs and see if it's time to make a change, or increase the intensity a bit.

    You'll be back before you know it.....and back at it a long time before I was able to. Which, by the way, was about 2 weeks after the injury and at a very reduced level.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Ailments, illnesses, trips, exams, family emergencies.... Life happens. Don't let it get you down. Keep eating right and get back to working out when you are able. It's not the end of the world, and don't think that it is! (Although exercise increases "happy drugs" in the body, and without working out, you may feel a little more "blue" than when you work out.... which is just another reason to get back to it when you can!)
  • ildi007
    ildi007 Posts: 107
    I had to take a week of last week from working out because my daughter and I was medivaced to Seattle Children's. I watched what I ate and I didn't gain an ounce- (like I usually do in the hospitals, because I'm sitting next to her bed but eating like I'm running around!!!) So no, as long as you are careful about your calories and get back on track with working out once you can (it was hard for me to re-start, even if I was so motivated before!)
    Good luck!:flowerforyou: