Just re-committed and need support :-)

Hi, I am 40 and the heaviest I have every been!! (I wasn't this heavy when I was 9 months pregnant)!! The weight has slowly crept on over the years. Busy working mum with 2 kids and many excuses not to excercise!! Poor nibbling and wine habit. Slipping into a size 16 and only 5ft 4. Willing to give friendly support and hopefully stay motivated to do it this time myself :-) Have done slimmer world, weight watchers. tesco e-diet......but need to change my habits without spending money to a club which eventually results in myself becoming bigger!!! Can anyone relate?? Tks for reading my waffle!! xx


  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    welcome aboard ! You'll do just fine here. :happy:
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I can totally relate... I have gone up and down in weight over the past 19 years (basically since I was 18)... I've never been someone that would get called "fat" but no one calls me skinny either and I've grown in and out of various sizes of clothes more times than I'd like to admit.

    I started logging (again) 60 days ago and decided to start adding friends and using the interactive portion of this site. I haven't lost a ton (lost 5, gained 3, lost 1) BUT I know that I'm starting to make lifestyle changes that I can actually sustain and I'm figuring out how to keep eating / drinking the things I don't want to give up without gaining a ton of weight.

    I log on almost every day and try to comment on people's status everyday too. I keep my comments positive but I won't give credit where it's not due either (so if you're below your calorie count or not logging in I'll ask you what's up, but I won't say "good job" for eating only 500 calories per day, for instance).

    Feel free to add me if you like!
    Best of luck to you,
  • Bordelinski
    I am going round two with MFP, lol. I used it after the birth of my 4yo and it worked great. I now have a 2yo and I have to beat bat the fat again. I friended you and hope we can recommit together!
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    Hi, I love encouraging my friends here, I would like to encourage you too. I will friend you.
  • tone4ever
    tone4ever Posts: 32
    hey...you have totally come to the right place....jillian michaels has 10 minute starter DVDs that can help you get motivated to start exercising....hope this helps...your NOT alone...xo:wink:
  • Queenlola25
    Queenlola25 Here I go with yet another diet. I can barely make myself start it. So many let downs and regaining the weight. Each time gets harder to start again. Any great words of advice to motivate me? I feel like this weight is slowly killing me.
    6 minutes ago ·
  • jlc0305
    jlc0305 Posts: 4
    I am going to try to think of this as a new healthy me and not a diet. Learning to make the right choices more often. Hate the word diet, it sounds so disappointing. So think it as a new chapter.....
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    I hear you! Good luck on your journey. Feel free to add me if you would like to!
  • mistybmc
    mistybmc Posts: 1
    I feel ya! For the past 4 years (since the birth of my daughter), I have struggled on and off with weight. I've never really been fat, but just uncomfortable in my skin. I'm just now getting to the point when I feel like I'm ready to get started.