Really need some help please!



  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Listen to dan re your cal goals he knows his stuff!!!
    Btw if you are using dans bmr/tdee cal calcs, exercise is already included do you don't need to log and eat back, you get the same cals every day. If you increase amount of exercise, go up to next activity level to get more cals.

    Great news on the run!! Unfortunately, distance running and muscle building dont work too well together, runners are always very lean rather than muscular, maybe stick to two shorter runs a week just for the cardio benefits??
    If you are lifting weights, make sure to work your whole body. Legs are the biggest muscles in the body and you are missing out on gaining a lot of calorie burning muscle by only working your upper body.

    It's impossible to 'spot reduce', ab exercises will not specificaly burn fat from your stomach.
    you can do ab exercises till you are blue in the face but you won't see any abs if your body fat is too high, ab exercise combined with the correct diet and heavy lifting will reduce your bf% and you will then start to see results.

    Re portion size, other peoples meals won't help as it depends what your allowance is and what foods you eat.
    The best thing to do is plan out a whole day in advance in the diary, adjust amounts as needed to suit your macros, and then make the meals from there.

    Higher protein is essential if you are working out, I think it's 1g per lb of lean body mass, fat 0.35 per lb of body weight, and the rest made up however you like, if this is wrong someone please correct me!!!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    If you're having belly fat problems one of the best things you can do is work your abs everyday. At first you will notice that your stomach will look bigger. That's the muscle pushing the fat out. Over time the muscle underneath helps burn the fat and then you're left with a smaller stomach. It does take time and won't happen overnight. The hard part is sticking with it when your stomach seems bigger.

    Cardio is very good for your heart and lungs, but lifting weights, low weight high reps is best for burning fat. Muscles eat away at fat all day where cardio only does it during the workout and a little while after.

    As far as eating goes you should eat your carbs or in your case maybe drink them??? an hour before or after your workout since your body will burn all the carbs. That's the rule, an hour before or after!!!

    Another tip for you seems as you're a man is uping your protein. Men tend to lose more weight if they have more protein. Protein powders are a good choice. After a workout they're awesome for muscle repair if mixed with water instead of milk. It's hard to swallow, but the protein gets upsorbed faster with water. When mixed with milk the protein gets upsorbed slower which is good for an afternoon snack if you're starving. It makes you feel full.

    Good luck to you, I hope you reach your goals!!!

    Blink. Blink blink. You trollin'??

    Where the h*ll do you start with all the incorrect statements in that post??
  • Ksmith031474
    Ksmith031474 Posts: 4 Member
    If you're having belly fat problems one of the best things you can do is work your abs everyday. At first you will notice that your stomach will look bigger. That's the muscle pushing the fat out. Over time the muscle underneath helps burn the fat and then you're left with a smaller stomach. It does take time and won't happen overnight. The hard part is sticking with it when your stomach seems bigger.

    Cardio is very good for your heart and lungs, but lifting weights, low weight high reps is best for burning fat. Muscles eat away at fat all day where cardio only does it during the workout and a little while after.

    As far as eating goes you should eat your carbs or in your case maybe drink them??? an hour before or after your workout since your body will burn all the carbs. That's the rule, an hour before or after!!!

    Another tip for you seems as you're a man is uping your protein. Men tend to lose more weight if they have more protein. Protein powders are a good choice. After a workout they're awesome for muscle repair if mixed with water instead of milk. It's hard to swallow, but the protein gets upsorbed faster with water. When mixed with milk the protein gets upsorbed slower which is good for an afternoon snack if you're starving. It makes you feel full.

    Good luck to you, I hope you reach your goals!!!

    Blink. Blink blink. You trollin'??

    Where the h*ll do you start with all the incorrect statements in that post??

    So sorry my ignorance has offended you. I will make sure to check with you in the furture for accuracy. :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    If you're having belly fat problems one of the best things you can do is work your abs everyday. At first you will notice that your stomach will look bigger. That's the muscle pushing the fat out. Over time the muscle underneath helps burn the fat and then you're left with a smaller stomach. It does take time and won't happen overnight. The hard part is sticking with it when your stomach seems bigger.

    Cardio is very good for your heart and lungs, but lifting weights, low weight high reps is best for burning fat. Muscles eat away at fat all day where cardio only does it during the workout and a little while after.

    As far as eating goes you should eat your carbs or in your case maybe drink them??? an hour before or after your workout since your body will burn all the carbs. That's the rule, an hour before or after!!!

    Another tip for you seems as you're a man is uping your protein. Men tend to lose more weight if they have more protein. Protein powders are a good choice. After a workout they're awesome for muscle repair if mixed with water instead of milk. It's hard to swallow, but the protein gets upsorbed faster with water. When mixed with milk the protein gets upsorbed slower which is good for an afternoon snack if you're starving. It makes you feel full.

    Good luck to you, I hope you reach your goals!!!

    Blink. Blink blink. You trollin'??

    Where the h*ll do you start with all the incorrect statements in that post??

    So sorry my ignorance has offended you. I will make sure to check with you in the furture for accuracy. :)

    You do not need to check with not worry - just check your facts.
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    Get a food scale. Seriously, it's been one of the best purchases that I have ever made in regards to portion control.

    Edit: And you can buy one for ~$20.

  • Ksmith031474
    Ksmith031474 Posts: 4 Member
    If you're having belly fat problems one of the best things you can do is work your abs everyday. At first you will notice that your stomach will look bigger. That's the muscle pushing the fat out. Over time the muscle underneath helps burn the fat and then you're left with a smaller stomach. It does take time and won't happen overnight. The hard part is sticking with it when your stomach seems bigger.

    Cardio is very good for your heart and lungs, but lifting weights, low weight high reps is best for burning fat. Muscles eat away at fat all day where cardio only does it during the workout and a little while after.

    As far as eating goes you should eat your carbs or in your case maybe drink them??? an hour before or after your workout since your body will burn all the carbs. That's the rule, an hour before or after!!!

    Another tip for you seems as you're a man is uping your protein. Men tend to lose more weight if they have more protein. Protein powders are a good choice. After a workout they're awesome for muscle repair if mixed with water instead of milk. It's hard to swallow, but the protein gets upsorbed faster with water. When mixed with milk the protein gets upsorbed slower which is good for an afternoon snack if you're starving. It makes you feel full.

    Good luck to you, I hope you reach your goals!!!

    Blink. Blink blink. You trollin'??

    Where the h*ll do you start with all the incorrect statements in that post??

    So sorry my ignorance has offended you. I will make sure to check with you in the furture for accuracy. :)

    You do not need to check with not worry - just check your facts.

    I obviously thought they were right, but since you know different why don't you enlighten me???
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    If you're having belly fat problems one of the best things you can do is work your abs everyday. At first you will notice that your stomach will look bigger. That's the muscle pushing the fat out. Over time the muscle underneath helps burn the fat and then you're left with a smaller stomach. It does take time and won't happen overnight. The hard part is sticking with it when your stomach seems bigger.

    Cardio is very good for your heart and lungs, but lifting weights, low weight high reps is best for burning fat. Muscles eat away at fat all day where cardio only does it during the workout and a little while after.

    As far as eating goes you should eat your carbs or in your case maybe drink them??? an hour before or after your workout since your body will burn all the carbs. That's the rule, an hour before or after!!!

    Another tip for you seems as you're a man is uping your protein. Men tend to lose more weight if they have more protein. Protein powders are a good choice. After a workout they're awesome for muscle repair if mixed with water instead of milk. It's hard to swallow, but the protein gets upsorbed faster with water. When mixed with milk the protein gets upsorbed slower which is good for an afternoon snack if you're starving. It makes you feel full.

    Good luck to you, I hope you reach your goals!!!

    Blink. Blink blink. You trollin'??

    Where the h*ll do you start with all the incorrect statements in that post??

    So sorry my ignorance has offended you. I will make sure to check with you in the furture for accuracy. :)

    You do not need to check with not worry - just check your facts.

    I obviously thought they were right, but since you know different why don't you enlighten me???

    The only way to get rid of belly fat is to decrease body fat in general. Doing ab exercises will potentially, depending on the exercises, strengthen the muscle underneath - it will not get rid of fat.

    The ab muscles really do not get big for the 'average joe' and so it is highly unlikely they will 'push the fat out'

    The muscle underneath does not burn the belly fat - muscle in general over helps your metabolism which helps in creating a larger deficit that will help with weight loss in general.

    Low weights, high reps helps with endurance it does not help with strength or muscle development

    Muscle does not eat away fat - they are two completely different things.

    Timing of when you get your carbs/protein is irrelevent.

    Having appropriate protein intake has nothing to do with gender.

    There are probably a few more...but this is probably enough