I Realized my REAL weight

OMG so I thought I was the size of Raven Symone maybe a little bigger, I was so off. I started working out at womans world and they have mirrors all over so you can see yourself the way others do from every side and I am soooo much bigger then I thought I was. Motivating yet depressing...anyone else come across this type of thing?


  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Ive never seen it in the mirros or anything like that, but I was cleaning and found old pictures, (Some very skinny me, and some highest weight me)
    those high weight ones, I don't even know how i walked! I was so big, I never inside felt that way....eye opener for sure... sometimes that is what we need to succeed:bigsmile:
    Don't let it get you down! let it push you!:bigsmile:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    After a strength class at the gym we were stretching and I was bent over and saw my reflection - of my backend - in the mirror - definite motivation for me to keep working hard...and that was after losing 60 pounds....I can only imagine how scary it was before that if I'd have noticed.

    Over the past week or so I keep catching glances of me in the mirror and looking again - cause I am finally seeing a skinny me!
    MRSWESSON Posts: 107
    I completely understand the pictures, I lost 100 pounds a couple years back and my befores and afters amazed me...I am just so mad I let myself gain it all back! But it is def motivating me to work harder and get to that goal.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I am like that too. I look at myself and I don't think I am that big and then someone will take a picture of me and I'm like "who is that fat girl? OMG its me!" :embarassed:

    Very eye-opening! It definately motivates me to get my butt in gear
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    I had one picture taken of me where it looked like i had about 8 butts!
    not kidding, and I kept thinking it was the shirt i wore...... um no I was my butt, looking like it had a huge family:bigsmile:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I know exactly what you mean....
    I think we see ourselves as we want to see ourselves....maybe its a defense mechanism or something LOL
    I know the me in the mirror looks different to other people though....I looked at some random, candid pics my husband took at our kiddos b'day party and I was like, "YIKES!!!...I look like THAT"???!!!!
    Anyway, I am definitely using it as a motivator....yes, it was depressing...BUT I definitely don't want to stay this way! (:
    Good luck!!!
  • daywater
    daywater Posts: 20
    Holy Lord! Funny you say this..I just had the exact same thing happen last night. I've been losing for awhile now but the whole mirror thing happened to me. I've been working out at home (feels safer and less people to gawk at my fat rolls) Anyhoo...a friend asked me to do this new zumba workout -which I highly recommend for fun and good cardio- but the whole time you are surrounded by mirrors and I just could not believe the way I looked. It was humbling as I know I should be happy with my progress so far but gave me a reality check not to get cocky and too proud that I slip up. Had to chime in because thought that was so odd you say the very thing that has been on my mind today and just happened to me as well. good luck with everything.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I had one picture taken of me where it looked like i had about 8 butts!
    not kidding, and I kept thinking it was the shirt i wore...... um no I was my butt, looking like it had a huge family:bigsmile:

    LOL....I always say, when looking at old (much thinner) pictures of me that it was three butts ago...... We all laugh, but it is really true :) My butt is freakin' huge....I hate it .... It seems like my lower body is were I gain and hold weight the most.....the curse of being a woman (:
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    I used to dance, and of course, during class, there were mirrors all over the place. I was always comparing myself to the other, skinnier girls in the class. It's hard. And now, I hate how I look in the gym. I hate how I look running, my curvy hips swaying from side to side...knowing my butt must look awful cuz I can feel it bounce (I get a big butt from my mom - but she's recently given me a hard time for losing that butt...) And on top of that, any exposed skin gets red and blotchy and disgusting when I'm doing cario, and my short hair gets drenched...blach!

    But I'm willing to bet that you don't look as bad as you thought. Seriously.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Just so you all know.... this works in reverse as well!

    I may no longer be 50 pounds overweight but I still feel the same. I look at pictures of myself and sometimes even in the mirror now and think "Wow - that isn't me"

    Seriously - I used to be a thin person living in a fat body, now I have become a fat person living in a thinner body. I don't know who the heck I am :laugh: :tongue: :wink:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I think everyone has a mental picture of their physical self and when we are over the weight in that picture, we don't see it and when we go under that picture, we don't see it.

    My mental picture is in the 155-165 range so when I see pictures of myself at over 200, I can't believe I was that big and now, well under that, I find myself waking up in the middle of the night with my hands roaming my body trying to figure out who this bony chick is in bed with me! :laugh:
  • HealthyEscape
    OMG so I thought I was the size of Raven Symone maybe a little bigger, I was so off. I started working out at womans world and they have mirrors all over so you can see yourself the way others do from every side and I am soooo much bigger then I thought I was. Motivating yet depressing...anyone else come across this type of thing?

    I had this moment last night :-( I was doing yoga at 24 hr fitness in a room i have done other classes, but last night with the lights off and the reflection, I realized just how BIG I am... I almost started crying. In kick boxing I would see myself and didnt think i was that bad, but I guess just seeing a side view and noticing I was as big as the BIG lady in front of me... it was horrible. So I pushed harder, imagined myself 100lbs skinnier and made it through the class and felt good afterward. I am CHANGING me for the better, and I am doing it ON MY OWN with no pills or fads.

    I read a post on here about how anorexic people will look in the mirror and see fat, well, im reverse. I look in the mirror and think I look cute and then go out and take pics with the girls and discover the next day when the pics are posted that I look like a walrus in girls clothes! UGH!

    One day I'll be thin and will love the pictures and reflection the same!
  • Euphonasia
    Euphonasia Posts: 136
    I knew that I wasn't looking so hot, but I had my husband take a picture of me from the front and the side in order to document how much weight I had lost, and yeah. It was depressing. I was MUCH MUCH bigger than I thought I ever was. It was fairly depressing, yet incredibly motivating. Then I sent that image to weightview.com and asked them to render a picture of me fifty pounds lighter and it was even more motivating. I look at it every day as my goal.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I think this is really more "normal" than anyone realizes. I remember in high school I wore a size 9 - but had to take in the waist. My waist was small enough that I used a single bandana as a belt. I weighed about 160ish. I honestly still thought that I was "fat". I was very muscular, healthy and now that I look back at pictures realize just how good I looked. BUT - I had it in my head that I should weigh 120-130... that's what all the charts said... so I saw myself as fat. One day my sister (who I thought was thinner than me) was talking to my mom and said, "You know, we think Sonja is skinny... you should see my friend ______". I stopped her and said. "WHAT? You think I'm skinny????" They had to show me WHY they thought I was thin.

    Now I'm working the other way... especially since I started exercising and losing weight. I FEEL good.... I move so much more freely now, my clothes are looser... and yet when I look in the mirror, it's disheartening to see someone who still very much looks "fat".

    I've made my family promise to tell me when I get to what looks like a healthy weight. I honestly believe that at this point in time I am not qualified to look at my own body and determine what it REALLY looks like. I hope it's not always the case - but at this point in time, I don't know that I TRULY see what I look like and I always wonder if I'm seeing what others see....
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I feel that way EVERY time I try on clothes. I always expect to see some cute,smaller woman in the mirror but when I finally look, I'm still this fat cow!!! So I don't plan to buy anything new until I lose lots and lots of weight!!! It's so depressing and I usually leave without buying anything and usually in tears!

  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I knew that I wasn't looking so hot, but I had my husband take a picture of me from the front and the side in order to document how much weight I had lost, and yeah. It was depressing. I was MUCH MUCH bigger than I thought I ever was. It was fairly depressing, yet incredibly motivating. Then I sent that image to weightview.com and asked them to render a picture of me fifty pounds lighter and it was even more motivating. I look at it every day as my goal.

    Do they do this service for free? I'd love to see what adult me looks like 70 pounds lighter, would be a big motivator to get there.

    I remember when I was in 7th grade... I weighed about 140 and I thought I was disgustingly fat. Here I am a good 60 pounds heavier than that, looking back at pictures of me during that time and I looked so good and healthy. Then I wonder 'why did I ever think I was gross back then?' :grumble: