Giving up COKE....



  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    omg i had the sameproblem...
    okay so what i did was get the little bottles or the half cans...
    and i would drink one of those a day...
    or i could pour half a cup...
    and now i really dont have the headaches anymore...
  • roxie17
    roxie17 Posts: 71
    It just takes time - I never drink soda anymore, regular, diet or otherwise, give me iced tea, green tea white tea (no sugar). I never even think of soda anymore, but it does take time. But you can do it!!!:smile::flowerforyou:
  • sallyjenn
    sallyjenn Posts: 11 Member
    I feel your pain about loving soda, I LOVE CHERRY DR PEPPER!!! It is so bad and I stopped but once and a while I let my self have a glass!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I gave up soda cold turkey about 6 months ago and substituted water instead. I had to endure the headaches for about 6 days, but after that I felt SO good! It was totally worth it!! I have so much more energy now and even my skin is looking super healthy from all the water. :)

    Yes, there are so many motivations for quitting....I just wished it didn't taste so good LOL
    Thanks for your story and encouragement! (:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    You know whats funny about quitting soda? When I quit soda a while back I had gone a month without and I started craving like crazy. So I figured 1 can wouldn't kill me, so I bought myself a soda and took a sip and almost spit it out. It tasted like dirt to me! I tried Mountain Dew, Coke, Pepsi and Dr. Pepper and all of them tasted like dirt from the ground thrown in some water and then made fizzy.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    It just takes time - I never drink soda anymore, regular, diet or otherwise, give me iced tea, green tea white tea (no sugar). I never even think of soda anymore, but it does take time. But you can do it!!!:smile::flowerforyou:
    Thank you!! (:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    You know whats funny about quitting soda? When I quit soda a while back I had gone a month without and I started craving like crazy. So I figured 1 can wouldn't kill me, so I bought myself a soda and took a sip and almost spit it out. It tasted like dirt to me! I tried Mountain Dew, Coke, Pepsi and Dr. Pepper and all of them tasted like dirt from the ground thrown in some water and then made fizzy.

    That is encouraging..... I LOVE the taste of Coke....So, hopefully, one day...I will be able to say what you just did....(I can do it. I can do it...) (:

    It is now 1:40 PM where I am and I still have not had a coke....So, I made it through the morning...and I am into the afternoon and still haven't had a coke!! (: (fingers crossed....I can do this. I can do this. ) (:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    You can do it, you can do it!! :flowerforyou:
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    I gave up the Diet Coke in January. I took excedrin for the headache and also green tea (iced tea). Try a different green tea. I had some on demo at costco one day and it was nasty. I buy the Lipton Green tea bags that are flavored. The Orange-Passionfruit one is my favorite. They have cranberry, lemon, mixed berry (kind of sweet). They are unsweetened - but really good. Also, I find if I leave the tea bag in the water for more than 3 or 4 minutes - it is too strong and a little bitter. I usually add more water to mine to make it weaker.
    Good luck - the headaches really don't last too long. I think mine went for 2 weeks - but they weren't constant during that time. It really was easier than I thought it would be.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I gave up the Diet Coke in January. I took excedrin for the headache and also green tea (iced tea). Try a different green tea. I had some on demo at costco one day and it was nasty. I buy the Lipton Green tea bags that are flavored. The Orange-Passionfruit one is my favorite. They have cranberry, lemon, mixed berry (kind of sweet). They are unsweetened - but really good. Also, I find if I leave the tea bag in the water for more than 3 or 4 minutes - it is too strong and a little bitter. I usually add more water to mine to make it weaker.
    Good luck - the headaches really don't last too long. I think mine went for 2 weeks - but they weren't constant during that time. It really was easier than I thought it would be.

    Very encouraging!! I have never tried the different flavored Green Teas....I will definitely give them a try!
    AND I just saw a commercial for Lipton Green Tea with fizzies....I guess for those of us who like the carbonation (: I think I may give that a try (:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    If you find yourself craving it kandy, think about this, there's 40 grams of sugar in 1 12 oz. can of coke! that's TEN teaspoons of sugar! Think about shoving 10 teaspoons of sugar in your mouth. That's more then most women usually have per day!

    now think about how much you were drinking per day, that's 160 grams of sugar per day.

    that should shove down the cravings. :happy:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Ok, I admit it...I'm addicted to Coke... GRRRRRR

    I usually drink four to five a day ( I know cringe!!!!!) I never even thought about it until I actually thought about it..LOL
    I was like.."Oh, My God!!! I can't believe I have been letting myself drink that much"!!!!
    Anyway, I am going to brag just a tad....
    I have cut back to one coke a day ( and have not had one yet today)....the only reason I have had the one is to get rid of the major headache that I had....

    Is there any advice on the caffine headache? I am going to do my best to NOT drink a coke today....I have the tylenol bottle handy (: I want to give them up completely.... I feel so weak to let something as tiny as drinking coke conquer me....

    hahahahahaha this first line cracked me up..........I know it's not funny....but that line was.

    How was your day without it?
  • 08sweek
    08sweek Posts: 38 Member
    I have a dilemma when it comes to coke. I have chronic migraines and taking my prescription medication with a can of coke was actually my doctor's recommendation. The problem is, nothing else with caffeine works for me. I try to stay away from everything BUT coke and water, and only the coke when I have migraines (4-5 times a week). I am relatively new to the calorie watching, so does anyone have any advice on what I should do about the calories? To clarify, I cannot entirely rid myself of the coke, but for the days I must have it, should I make up for the empty calories by eating them in healthy foods? Or would I be better off with an extra bit of cardio to work off the sugar and cals?

    Please help!
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    I have a dilemma when it comes to coke. I have chronic migraines and taking my prescription medication with a can of coke was actually my doctor's recommendation. The problem is, nothing else with caffeine works for me. I try to stay away from everything BUT coke and water, and only the coke when I have migraines (4-5 times a week). I am relatively new to the calorie watching, so does anyone have any advice on what I should do about the calories? To clarify, I cannot entirely rid myself of the coke, but for the days I must have it, should I make up for the empty calories by eating them in healthy foods? Or would I be better off with an extra bit of cardio to work off the sugar and cals?

    Please help!

    Can you use Diet Coke or does it have to be regular? I had severe migraines also until about a year ago. I mean in the bed, lights out, covering over the windows, sunglasses on, vomiting migraines. I actually had a doctor tell me to smoke a cigarette when I had them. No Lie! Just one. Apparently it supposedly opens your vessels up or something. It did work but I didn't want to get hooked on that again (I was a very light smoker and didn't want to get worse, I have since quit altogether). I tried every med there was. I switched docs who told me to document everything I ate and when I had the headaches. Turns out when I stopped eating meat the headaches went away. Just a thought. If you are really worried about your migraines, maybe try seeing if there is something in your diet that causes them. Sorry for the off topic but I feel for migraine sufferers. :smile:
  • 08sweek
    08sweek Posts: 38 Member
    My doctor believes they are most likely caused by preservatives in foods (MSGs, Nitrates, etc). So when I cut those out of my diet (as much as I could, there are preservatives in EVERYTHING!) the migraines reduced in number and severity. But I've tried Diet Coke and all associated and cannot do away with it. I wish I could because I know I feel much better without it. I didn't drink pop hardly at all until about a year ago (when I began gaining weight) and since then exercising, and especially cardio, has been terrible. It is funny what unhealthy things doctors suggest to get rid of migraines.. No help to us trying to get healthy!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    If you find yourself craving it kandy, think about this, there's 40 grams of sugar in 1 12 oz. can of coke! that's TEN teaspoons of sugar! Think about shoving 10 teaspoons of sugar in your mouth. That's more then most women usually have per day!

    now think about how much you were drinking per day, that's 160 grams of sugar per day.

    that should shove down the cravings. :happy:

    Oh....WOW!!! yeah....that's awful!!!:sick:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Ok, I admit it...I'm addicted to Coke... GRRRRRR

    I usually drink four to five a day ( I know cringe!!!!!) I never even thought about it until I actually thought about it..LOL
    I was like.."Oh, My God!!! I can't believe I have been letting myself drink that much"!!!!
    Anyway, I am going to brag just a tad....
    I have cut back to one coke a day ( and have not had one yet today)....the only reason I have had the one is to get rid of the major headache that I had....

    Is there any advice on the caffine headache? I am going to do my best to NOT drink a coke today....I have the tylenol bottle handy (: I want to give them up completely.... I feel so weak to let something as tiny as drinking coke conquer me....

    hahahahahaha this first line cracked me up..........I know it's not funny....but that line was.

    How was your day without it?

    You really wasn't that bad.....
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    My doctor believes they are most likely caused by preservatives in foods (MSGs, Nitrates, etc). So when I cut those out of my diet (as much as I could, there are preservatives in EVERYTHING!) the migraines reduced in number and severity. But I've tried Diet Coke and all associated and cannot do away with it. I wish I could because I know I feel much better without it. I didn't drink pop hardly at all until about a year ago (when I began gaining weight) and since then exercising, and especially cardio, has been terrible. It is funny what unhealthy things doctors suggest to get rid of migraines.. No help to us trying to get healthy!

    No kidding...!!! I am amazed that they would suggest Coke and Cigerettes....But, ok...whatever! (: :wink: Good luck with finding something that works for you....
    I am off to try to motivate myself to do my cardio....

    UPDATE: I ruined my day without Coke yesterday with ending the night with one!! GRRRRRR :mad: :mad: Why oh, WHy?! I had it licked, but then gave in.....
    OK>...Today, no Coke!!!!!~!! (I'm am thoroughly pissed with myself)
  • 08sweek
    08sweek Posts: 38 Member

    No kidding...!!! I am amazed that they would suggest Coke and Cigerettes....But, ok...whatever! (: :wink: Good luck with finding something that works for you....
    I am off to try to motivate myself to do my cardio....

    UPDATE: I ruined my day without Coke yesterday with ending the night with one!! GRRRRRR :mad: :mad: Why oh, WHy?! I had it licked, but then gave in.....
    OK>...Today, no Coke!!!!!~!! (I'm am thoroughly pissed with myself)

    Good Luck tonight! Think of how much easier your cardio will be when you kick the coke! :wink:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member

    No kidding...!!! I am amazed that they would suggest Coke and Cigerettes....But, ok...whatever! (: :wink: Good luck with finding something that works for you....
    I am off to try to motivate myself to do my cardio....

    UPDATE: I ruined my day without Coke yesterday with ending the night with one!! GRRRRRR :mad: :mad: Why oh, WHy?! I had it licked, but then gave in.....
    OK>...Today, no Coke!!!!!~!! (I'm am thoroughly pissed with myself)

    Good Luck tonight! Think of how much easier your cardio will be when you kick the coke! :wink:

    Thanks!! :smile: