So freaking happy I bought this book

My birthday was a couple of weeks ago and I cashed in my B&N gift cards today. (Four books under $20? SCORE.)

Among my purchases was " The $7 a Meal Cookbook", list price $9.95 (CAN $10.99).

Seriously, I haven't made ANYTHING out of it yet, but I'm so happy I bought this. It basically uses staples you're likely to already have in your kitchen, fills in holes a few inexpensive inexpensive ingredients, and gives you VERY FEW simple steps to make meals feeding 4-6 people... I did some quick math in my head, and it's true. I could easily feed all of my housemates with food from Publix or Target or Trader Joe's or Whole Foods, Earth Fare, Kroger...pick a store. And these aren't "wrap a tortilla around some stuff and microwave it" meals. They involve cooking! So, from a college student who's constantly broke from buying school and extracurricular activity items, go buy this thing and save some money.

(SN: Bought Hungry Girl's Supermarket survival guide. This one requires significant perusal before a decision is formed.)

ETA: It contains the calorie, fat, protein, cholesterol, and sodium counts for each recipe in the sidebars for those who are interested!!!


  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I might have to look into this!
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    I might have to look into this!

    You definitely should! There's a recipe for salmon stuffed potatoes that serves 6 for $6.60!!! And 371.58 calories! XD