End of the workday motivation

I find each day around this time I hit a wall and am most tempted to stop off for an unhealthy snack on the way to the subway to go home from work.
All day I plan on going to the gym after work, then eating a sensible planned dinner - then around 4 every work day the little voices start - u know the ones ahh just skip the gym , ahh just get a snack etc...
As soon as I make it to the gym, my hunger disapears so i don't thinkit is real hunger (I am eating the correct calories for a day)

Any suggestions or ways you keep yourself motivated during a certain time a day?

Also i would love to work-out before work but my gym doesn't open till 6am and I have to be in work at 8am not enough time with commute, so only time I can go weekdays is after..



  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I find each day around this time I hit a wall and am most tempted to stop off for an unhealthy snack on the way to the subway to go home from work.
    All day I plan on going to the gym after work, then eating a sensible planned dinner - then around 4 every work day the little voices start - u know the ones ahh just skip the gym , ahh just get a snack etc...
    As soon as I make it to the gym, my hunger disapears so i don't thinkit is real hunger (I am eating the correct calories for a day)

    Any suggestions or ways you keep yourself motivated during a certain time a day?

    Also i would love to work-out before work but my gym doesn't open till 6am and I have to be in work at 8am not enough time with commute, so only time I can go weekdays is after..


    I get up REAL early and dance in my living room to an oldies CD my husband made for me, using all my fast old songs. Songs such as "Love Shack", Wild, Wild West", "Mony, Mony", "Footloose", and "Gloria")
    It's free, (unlike a gym!) fun, and I can even watch tv at the same time, so I never get bored!
    I also recently aquired the Wii Fit, and jog to that, which is a lot of fun, and easy too! :smile:
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    Yeah, I work out at 5:00 AM just for that reason...I get unmotivated after work and I just want to go home and do nothing :ohwell: and at least I get it over and done with! If you can get up early, you can always try running/walking outside or cycling as well. either way, I didn't work out this morning and I am going to push myself to go to kickboxing tonight. I guess I end up going because I know how good it makes me feel and I know that if I don't go, I will be a day behind and it will be that much harder to meet my goals.