Ready to give this my all!!

Hiiii! I'm not new here but I'm finally ready to get serious about it! I've struggled with my weight since I was a kid. I loss a lot of weight about two years ago but got comfortable & gained it all back. I recently had a baby so I'm trying to lose tht weight in addition to reaching my goal weight. I would love more friends for encouragement!!!=)


  • Caro1991
    Caro1991 Posts: 97
    Same here, am not new but am ready to start and be serious, tomorrow will be my official start :) with my last baby(whos now 18months) I kept the weight plus more. I have lost 2lbs since the start of the year but I am more than ready. I want to hit my goal by my kids birthday(september, october). We can do this, just give it our all and for our children who need healthy moms :)
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Same here, am not new but am ready to start and be serious, tomorrow will be my official start :) with my last baby(whos now 18months) I kept the weight plus more. I have lost 2lbs since the start of the year but I am more than ready. I want to hit my goal by my kids birthday(september, october). We can do this, just give it our all and for our children who need healthy moms :)
    You both will do great! I can feel it in your attitudes!
  • kjbbdoll
    kjbbdoll Posts: 86
    You can do this, Ladies!! I am in the same boat-shedding the baby weight although my baby will be 3 in July-LOL Please feel free to add me as a friend so we can encourage one another!
  • Caro1991
    Caro1991 Posts: 97
    Thanks :) more than ready
  • maharrod7
    maharrod7 Posts: 32
    I, too, just had a baby about 8 months ago and I gained more weight after I had the baby then I did during the pregnancy! I decided now is the time to get healthy and fit. If u want a friend add me and good luck!
  • Ddubb94
    Ddubb94 Posts: 25
    Feel free to add me. I am shedding baby weight too...he's 18! Congrats on ur renewed dedication to MFP. Enjoy the ride.