Can't stop sabotaging myself



  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    If you keep binging why dont you try just trying to change the way you eat. Eat healthier, have small amounts of 'binge' food. If you want a biscuit, have a biscuit, dont have 10, and eat healthily.
    If you cant manage restricting those foods, dont buy them. Just eat well, it doesnt mean 'dieting', it just means eating good foods which keep you full and arent utter junk.

    Think about it this way 'if you want to eat a lot, eat a little, so you're around to eat a lot'.
  • DaveC29
    DaveC29 Posts: 232 Member
    You cannot look at this as a diet either... It is a change in the way you live! Weight loss is not about just going on the next big diet- it's about getting, being and STAYING healthy! You have to find what works for you and DO IT!

    You have to want the change, you have to execute the change in yourself!


    Some inspiration for you... This is the 2010 Detroit Marathon- The first third of this video is about a courageous woman who is DETERMINED TO CHANGE!! Made the commitment and wound up FINISHING a marathon! I am extremely proud of her willpower and determination!

    I am training for a marathon and hope I have half as much heart and determination as she does!

    You can do it!!
  • ourmamros
    ourmamros Posts: 21 Member
    I sometimes sabotage myself but i am learning how to stand fast when that little voice in my head says "one won't hurt" but I know I will eat the pack. I have less high calorie food available, I try to speak about the feelings which are pushing me that way. I tell myself I can have something unhealthy I want to eat but I need to earn the calories by doing something to burn them before I eat them!
    I also use Paul McKenna's technique where i hold my hands out in front of me and use one hand to remind myself why I want to change: use the other hand to talk through why my body might not want to change and then try and tell both of them that I need them to work together as I don't want to carry all this fat around for ever. I also promise the hand that does not want change that i will listen to its worries and promise to deal with it as it happens. Sounds bonkers but works for me. Another thing is to think why am I hungry - am I really hungry to eat food or is something eating me. Often it is not hunger with me and I try and work out what it is and deal with it. It is hard - I struggled this weekend and ate a few sweets I did not log, and an ice cream which i did log - but I did not go back for a second ice cream!!!! Small victory but that is the key. Small steps, small victories, one day at a time!
    Good luck with it - you can do it, in your own way in your own time but yes it is posslible.
  • Traci_33
    Traci_33 Posts: 21 Member
    there is a quote that I had posted where I can see it everyday "If you really want to do something, You'll find a Way. If you don't, You'll find an excuse" And it made me mad LOL When i saw it all I could think was FINE I"LL DO IT. so i would go do work out. whether it would be 45mins long or 10mins. I could feel better knowing I did something. And sometime the little workouts earlier in the day made me feel so much better that I could go back and do another one :wink: I am at a stand still right now. I haven't lost weight in weeks. But I am not giving up .Thanks to all my support here on MFP. I know it wont be easy but I am still willing to try my best... Are you with me ??? :happy:
  • hazelsmrf
    hazelsmrf Posts: 96 Member
    I highly recommend the book "Brain over Binge", it's seriously great. Also look into the podcast "Inside out Weight Loss", it's been helping me.
  • cantante35
    cantante35 Posts: 2 Member
    Oh my Gosh!! I do the same exact thing and have come to the conclusion that sabotaging myself is a way to keep others at bay. I've had alot of failures, pain, and heart's hard to trust. I know there has to be a connection to the fear of losing the weight. Perhaps I am afraid the expectations of me will be higher... I'm not sure. But I am consistently struggling with this sabotage saga. I'm in hopes to get support here but more than anything understanding and possibly direction. Thank you for being honest, it helps ones like myself
  • cantante35
    cantante35 Posts: 2 Member
    Why do I hold on to my fat afraid to let it go...Is it a safe place? I'm so frustrated and confused.