In need of a serious Workout/Accountability PARTNER

Im looking for a serious partner on MFP..the partners ive had in the past could not hang or their were not consistant...i workout 4-5 times a week. Recently incoperated 2 a day workouts to split up my workouts. How serious am i about my journey? if im sick i workout, if it rains cats and dogs i workout, if the im stressed i workout. LOL you get the drifrt. anywho im looking for someone i can be accountable well known in the YT community but would rather have a partner that does not know me. So their wont be so much pressure if that makes sense. Ive lost 93 pounds so far and im not stopping till i get to goal. I still have 90 more pounds to go to im looking for someone with the same goal and is just as driven as i am. so if you need a partner like that and these characteristics remind you of you..please send me a respond here and will work from their. For those of you not interested..thanks for reading :) lots of love -lovely


  • Hello! My name is Cassie and even though I am not on myfitnesspal for weight loss I am looking for an accountability partner as well. I don't know your age but I am junior in high school but also a dance coach and dancer myself. I have a neuropathic pain disorder called RSD/CRPS. the closest thing to a cure is exercise (we are actively looking for a cure) so I exercise a lot. If you are willing to consider me I would love to have an accountability partner but you would have to be willing to learn a little about my disease. Thank you. I wish you the best of luck on your fitness journey!! And I will be in no way offended if you don't want someone my age or someone with a medical condition as your accountability partner ;) have a great day. ~Cassie M.