Shopping List Suggestions

Hi Guys,

After falling off the bandwagon and being on holidays... I have decided to knuckle down. I know my fridge/cupboard is empty when I get home, so looking for suggestions for new food options. Healthy stuff..

I'm allergic to milk proteins (casein, so no milk or dairy anything), soy (including the sauce, milk, and soy lecithin which is in a lot of processed stuff), legumes (peas, chickpeas, beans, etc.).

I am currently eating 1200 calories or just over each day (I'm only 143.5cm and 43.5kg currently).

I usually eat a lot of peanut butter, corn thins, oats, rice milk, almonds, some fruit and veggies, chicken, tuna, eggs....

So keeping all that in mind... what do you think I should purchase for my fridge and cupboard?

I am open to new suggestions... generally speaking, if I'm not allergic to it (or it's not known I'm allergic to it), I will try it!!!

Thanks heaps guys :)


  • munchkinhugs
    munchkinhugs Posts: 278 Member
    LOTS of peanut butter. And avocados.

    Yeah, so I'm pretty useless at this because my parents do all of our grocery shopping at home ... but GOOD LUCK!
  • spyder_rose
    spyder_rose Posts: 193 Member
    LOTS of peanut butter. And avocados.

    I'm not an avo fan, but i suppose I can give it another go...
  • finchest
    finchest Posts: 245 Member
    oatmeal, fresh veggies (and dressings you'd want to use as a marinade or salad dressing), quinoa, frozen veggies (so you always have them on hand!), a good soup bouillon, seitan if you're into eating vegetarian style, olive oil spray, rice cakes, trail mixes, herbal teas...
  • bump! Im doing shopping list too
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    If you buy some basic spices like chilli, paprika, cumin and what not you can make rubs for meat and make most boring high protein meat meals interesting. Chilli oil is a good one too just to spice things up.

    Are you looking for snack foods or meal foods?
  • spyder_rose
    spyder_rose Posts: 193 Member
    Different flavored sauces. Coconut milk, rice dream ice cream, spaghetti squash, zucchini, baked mushrooms, onions, frozen ocra, vital wheat gluten to make seitan, yams

    Should have said I'm in Australia. WISH we had rice dream ice cream here.
  • spyder_rose
    spyder_rose Posts: 193 Member
    If you buy some basic spices like chilli, paprika, cumin and what not you can make rubs for meat and make most boring high protein meat meals interesting. Chilli oil is a good one too just to spice things up.

    Are you looking for snack foods or meal foods?

    Yup, I always have spices and herbs at home for the meat/chicken...

    I'm looking for anything. Main meals or snacks. Just anything that I can eat or make that will give me some variety and keep me healthy and not get any allergic reactions :)
  • spyder_rose
    spyder_rose Posts: 193 Member
    oatmeal, fresh veggies (and dressings you'd want to use as a marinade or salad dressing), quinoa, frozen veggies (so you always have them on hand!), a good soup bouillon, seitan if you're into eating vegetarian style, olive oil spray, rice cakes, trail mixes, herbal teas...

    I do like quinoa... I'll have to google seitan. I've never heard of it before!
  • OutiR
    OutiR Posts: 93 Member
    different kind of fruits, almonds, walnuts, peanut butter, honey, eggs, wholemeal bread, veggies to throw into soups and stews, chicken/meat/mutton to give protein in soup/stew, instant oatmeal and raisins/dried apricots/berries to go with it, ...
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    If you buy some basic spices like chilli, paprika, cumin and what not you can make rubs for meat and make most boring high protein meat meals interesting. Chilli oil is a good one too just to spice things up.

    Are you looking for snack foods or meal foods?

    Yup, I always have spices and herbs at home for the meat/chicken...

    I'm looking for anything. Main meals or snacks. Just anything that I can eat or make that will give me some variety and keep me healthy and not get any allergic reactions :)

    Oh ok sounds good - I like eating things like quick fry steak and throwing in chopped onions, jalapeno peppers, button mushrooms too and then letting it simmer with frozen peas and sweetcorn at the minute.
    Oatmeal for the morning but found this horrible to start with so I now mix in some hot chocolate and eat it with sultanas
    Been told cottage cheese with paprika is nice but I just eat that on its own as it fills me up real fast and is full of CLA especially just before bed - according to a few people
    Quorn mince lasagne is really nice, low fat not greasy and you can add sesame seeds, linseeds and poppy seeds to the sprinkle of cheese on the top which I love.

    I might keep an eye on this thread myself actually and now im hungry :laugh:
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Tuna, chicken tenderloins or variants, if you aren't worried about high protein/low sodium soup cans are great! I actually add things like more chicken to soups here and there. I'm just thinking things that won't exactly spoil on you. I love love love frozen vegetables as well. They aren't high sodium like when canned, and quick to microwave and eat!
  • spyder_rose
    spyder_rose Posts: 193 Member
    If you buy some basic spices like chilli, paprika, cumin and what not you can make rubs for meat and make most boring high protein meat meals interesting. Chilli oil is a good one too just to spice things up.

    Are you looking for snack foods or meal foods?

    Yup, I always have spices and herbs at home for the meat/chicken...

    I'm looking for anything. Main meals or snacks. Just anything that I can eat or make that will give me some variety and keep me healthy and not get any allergic reactions :)

    Oh ok sounds good - I like eating things like quick fry steak and throwing in chopped onions, jalapeno peppers, button mushrooms too and then letting it simmer with frozen peas and sweetcorn at the minute.
    Oatmeal for the morning but found this horrible to start with so I now mix in some hot chocolate and eat it with sultanas
    Been told cottage cheese with paprika is nice but I just eat that on its own as it fills me up real fast and is full of CLA especially just before bed - according to a few people
    Quorn mince lasagne is really nice, low fat not greasy and you can add sesame seeds, linseeds and poppy seeds to the sprinkle of cheese on the top which I love.

    I might keep an eye on this thread myself actually and now im hungry :laugh:

    haha I love food ;)

    Sadly can't have cheeses or the peas, but can change up those things a bit... love jalapenos and mushrooms but :) nom nom haven't had sultanas with oats before, but often have cacao and blueberries with it...
  • I live on a tiny island so I keep a month worth of food on hand for when the fruits and veggies run low. All Cheap, Healthy and from Costco.

    Breakfast: Old Fashioned Oats, Raisins, Honey, and whatever else you desire. Can be cooked with water.

    Lunch: Maranatha Almond Butter and Jelly on Whole Grain Organic Bread. Keep bread in freezer until your ready to open a loaf. I also Keep Adams salt free Peanut butter on hand. Pour off the oil before stirring. Much better.

    Dinner: Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, Frozen Broccoli and whatever other veggies come to mind, Mushroom Soup.

    low Salt, Low Fat, tons of protein and good for you.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    [/quote]Sadly can't have cheeses or the peas, but can change up those things a bit... love jalapenos and mushrooms but :) nom nom haven't had sultanas with oats before, but often have cacao and blueberries with it...

    Ahhh sorry my bad i couldn't scroll to the top and see what you couldn't eat i shall have a think and come back to you.....
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Nuts! They're pretty much my go to snack these days. Brazil nuts, macadamias, almonds - as long as they're raw and unsalted xD

    Definitely give avocado another try! I never used to like avocado then all of a sudden had acquired the taste for them. Wish I had discovered them earlier!

    Veggies, veggies and more veggies! I'm always buying fresh veggies to quickly whip up a salad for dinner or to pack for lunch to take to work. I also love the frozen veggies in the steamer bag things cause they're so quick and convenient.

    Eggs! Can do lots with them and I can't remember if you mentioned if you couldn't eat them.

    Just don't get any snakes :p
  • spyder_rose
    spyder_rose Posts: 193 Member
    Thanks guys.. Cool. My shopping will be fun I reckon when I get home :) and so will cooking! I don't want to get bored with the food so I'll change it up...

    Loving some of the ideas!

    Thanks :D
  • finchest
    finchest Posts: 245 Member
    kudos to the person who suggested spices! that's the key to making any meal interesting!
    i'm a big fan of this website/shop:
    In store, they sell something called 'kristy's salt free blend' which is AMAZING and seriously spruces up any and everything i put it in.