Stopping those old thoughts....

I've decided to give this 'eating 1200 calories NET' a shot. Now for the last 3 or 4 years I've done the whole eat 5000 calories one day then 200 the next so I realise my metabolism is pretty mucked up but I'm going to try sticking with this. So today I went to the gym and I burnt 700 calories and once I had logged all my food including dinner I had only eaten NET 2 calories so on my new 'eat 1200 NET' I went and ate and yes I ended up eating extra food (not all perfectly healthy) up to 1141 but in my head I'm still seeing nearly 2000 calories and I'm struggling to convince myself that I haven't stuffed up and I should just give up.

Did anyone else have this issue when they first started eating a bit more? How did you manage to convince yourself it was the right thing to be doing to lose weight?