50+ lbs to go, Day one...I think I can, I think I can!

Morning all!

Today is Day One of a 50+ lb weight loss journey! Whew! Just saying that feels overwhelming! I swear I can do this! I've done it before and then just got plain lazy! Well, time to get of my rump, stop feeling gross & do something about this state I'm in!

Looking for some friends to come along on this journey for encouragement and support!

Good luck to all and here I go.......................



  • LisaGaimadi
    LisaGaimadi Posts: 41 Member
    Hi MIchelle!

    I have a 40 lb. journey that I'm just 30 days into today.
    Don't be overwhelmed...break up that goal and it won't feel quite so daunting.
    Also, if you want to add me as a friend, please do!
    I can use the support too.

    We can do this!
  • dre3173
    dre3173 Posts: 26 Member

    I started about 28 days ago and have lost 12 ilbs. are you excersing along with counting calories?
  • Hi Michelle,

    I added you. I feel like today is a do-over, start over, so we are on the same path. Lots of support here !
  • gmoo731
    gmoo731 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! Just finished my 1st week and getting started is the hardest part! I have at least 50+ also. Ive done it before as well. I know it is harder now that I have 3 kids instead of 1, but no excuses! This site is great!
  • Hello... my short term goal is 32lbs by this summer. My long term is 50lbs. I started last monday and had an issue over the weekend. I cut my sugar completely down to natural sugars and Splenda and my blood glucose dropped over the weekend... Also, I reduced my caffeine, too. So my body went into shock.. LOL!

    BUT, its a new week and I am starting over AGAIN! I think it was a good sign this weekend. It let me know I am making some REAL changes in my life! I want to turn 36 in July and weigh in the 160's.... It s all I want for my birthday!

    Good luck and I am a chatty person, let me know if you ever need anything!

    ~Tara Lee :)
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    Onward girl...success is yours to be had!
  • same here. I had to stop over the weekend from my blood sugar crashing... today is my do-over!
  • Hi i am on day one and hoping to loose 30lb by the summer im new on here any tips will be helpful :)
  • Woopwoop! Loving the motivation! I too have 50+ llbs to go. But the advice up there is right - break it down. Even if it's 2lbs a week - that's what - six months you have to do this then you'll be feeling fine and fabulous again? Sounds like a bargain to me!

    My short term goal is another 12 lbs by end of May. Every time I reach for the biscuit tin I just remember that it's not worth having to endure extra time on a treadmill! Good luck!
  • sjackson7707
    sjackson7707 Posts: 24 Member
    When I started I had 80+ I wanted to lose, I'm 53lbs down and still going strong... Don't think of the 50lbs as a whole, make Lil mini goals and work towards them! Setting mini goals of 10-15lbs has really kept me going:)
  • You can do it ...I have been on here fOr almost 2 months.. I'm down 26 pounds ..I have not weighed myself in a month. I kind of slipped for about two weeks but now I am back on it...I want to get into the 130 s ....which is a healthy weight for me....
  • skmolove
    skmolove Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome and best of luck on this life style changing journey. you're welcome to join the group called 'lose 50+ in the new year'
    friend me...:flowerforyou:
  • allyg38
    allyg38 Posts: 17
    hi im exactly the same as you and its my first day too. please feel free to add me and we will do this :flowerforyou:
  • cramsey13
    cramsey13 Posts: 13 Member
    Just starting today myself! Would love to support you and have your support! Thanks! :)
  • justcrys71
    justcrys71 Posts: 2 Member
    Good Luck! I would like to lose 60lbs! so im on the same track as you!
  • lsang
    lsang Posts: 22
    Getting started is the hardest part! So you have already accomplished one goal. I am on a 60 pound journey and never thought it was possible, but 2 1/2 months in and I am half way there! You can do it... we all can do it - we have great support and accountablilty here! Feel free to add me as a friend...
  • Jimby71
    Jimby71 Posts: 11 Member
    You can! You can!!

    After a good start, I find myself having put 9lbs back on through too much (bad) eating, too much beer (seeing old friends) and not enough exercise, so I'm back above the 50lb to lose mark....and I've set myself a target of doing it in a mere 168 days (I'm getting married in December so want to be down to a healthier weight in time for that).

    The support on here is second to none, and everyone will give you advice if you want or need it.

    Good luck with your journey, you CAN do it!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • cramsey13
    cramsey13 Posts: 13 Member
    I like that we both have birthday goals! Good luck to you . You CAN do it! :)