Not losing weight, need motivation!!!!

hi! Guys,
I joined MFP about 3 weeks ago, I am 5,3 and need to lose at least 50 lb to be in a healthy weight range. I set my profile to lose 2 lb per week which I lost first week. This was by eating 1200 cals and doing normal 30 mins 3/week exercise. However, for last 2 weeks I have been gaining and I have almost gained all that I lost during my first week....:( What am I doing wrong? I thought to get motivated, I will set my profile to lose 2 lb/week for first few weeks and then bring it down to 1 or .5 lb/week(which is what's recommended).

I do think I am noticing I have lost at least an inch or 2 from my love handle, but stomach still looks as it is...:( Please share some tips and tricks that worked for you guys. I know this journey is going to be long and I need to be patient, but gaining is not helping me to stay on track....:(