Dating sites

neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
I just want to get two things out of this thread:
1) what dating sites have you used?
2) how would you rate them on a scale of 1 to 5?

I am aware of:
E harmony

I can't rate them because I haven't used them too much. Although, I've been on a couple dates from POF, and I have to say that my experiences have been outstanding. But, I really flush them out before I meet, so I'm one of those guys that chats for a long time before I call. For the ones that have been patient, it's been great. I think just jumping straight into meeting is a mistake with online least that's my very limited experience, and my intuition.

I'd like to know about more of these sites. So, school me.



  • Dude hit up da clubs n pubs no need for sittin at home bashin one out trust datin web sites r for da weirdos just get few new hobbys start hangin with new people n ya get ya end wet for sure sry for not answering your question the way u maybe hopin but just sayin wot I think peace Add if ya like. Subscribe if your want to. Follow me if ya fancy.

    No pressure tho do what ever u want to do.
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    I have done the dating sites. As a single mom, I don't get a chance to get out much. And its hard to meet single men in the grocery store or the other places I occassionally run errands.
    I've been on POF, and I've had some good experiences as well as some bad. You do have to take the time to flush out the losers and liars. I have been on Zoosk, and that site is TERRIBLE. I do not recommend it!
    I also paid $80 for 6 months to be on ChristianMingle, and had two failed relationships. I will not pay again, that's for sure. You can make the same mistakes while paying big bucks as you would for free. I'd rather take the time to weed out the losers.
    But all in all... dating sucks.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member is another site. People propose doing something- How about we grab a coffee, go to X movie, etc. You meet in real life and see if you hit it off. It's more of an ice-breaker/introduction site than one trying to match you based on a bunch of profile info.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I'm on OKCupid now, just to meet new friends, but I like the way it matches you to others. Much more accurate than POF in terms of poeple I would get along with and be able to have a conversation with.
  • I like OkCupid too. The format is nice and the matching system is good, and it's free.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,670 Member
    My mom met her soul mate on OkCupid.
  • Changing__Christina
    Changing__Christina Posts: 245 Member
    Don't forget MFP!!!!!
  • DrewMaxwell
    DrewMaxwell Posts: 269 Member
    Don't forget MFP!!!!!

    ^^^^ Absolutely
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I've done POF and OkCupid.

    I've yet to meet a guy from OKC. I get messages and stuff but eh..
    I've met about 10 guys from POF (or almost 10). None were creepers... but none were for me. I did meet an awesome guy from there who I dated for like a week or 2 who is one of my best friends now. Another guy has also stuck around as a friend although I don't talk to him as often. And as of recently, I have met a GREAT awesome cute guy who has me crazy in like with him and seems to be REALLY REALLY into me.

    You will hear positive stories and negative stories on ALL sites.

    With that said, the way I felt better and at ease on a 1st date was with guys I met outside of the internet world whether it was at a concert, restaurant, bar, whatever. I wasn't as nervous as I knew the guys were at least interested and attracted to me. So get some thick skin and handle rejection well if you get into online dating. It happens.

    Other than that, right now, I'm VERY thankful for online dating and POF. I'm happy and giddy as can be!!!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Dude hit up da clubs n pubs no need for sittin at home bashin one out trust datin web sites r for da weirdos just get few new hobbys start hangin with new people n ya get ya end wet for sure sry for not answering your question the way u maybe hopin but just sayin wot I think peace Add if ya like. Subscribe if your want to. Follow me if ya fancy.

    No pressure tho do what ever u want to do.

    That's great advice from someone with awesome vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling. Word.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Thanks everyone. I'm surprised at the negative connotations online dating still has. It's just an adjunct to my normal way of meeting people. I've done all right on my own. Not complaining, I just thought why not cast the net wider? No harm in it. But, I don't tell my friends about it because they're all a bunch of @$$holes that think anyone that does online dating is a loser. So faking sick of that attitude. I've met some really nice people that participate in it, and I do it, so I know it's not just for losers.

    I guess, from a female perspective, there do seem to be a lot of creepers there. But, there's regular good guys too, just looking for a soul mate.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Dude hit up da clubs n pubs no need for sittin at home bashin one out trust datin web sites r for da weirdos just get few new hobbys start hangin with new people n ya get ya end wet for sure sry for not answering your question the way u maybe hopin but just sayin wot I think peace Add if ya like. Subscribe if your want to. Follow me if ya fancy.

    No pressure tho do what ever u want to do.

    Understand what you said I did not
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    I've heard good things about Okcupid
    Horror stories about POF (but seems folks here at good experiences)
    I think wether on line or in person you have to be open, but smart....and have your guard up ..go with your gut...if it feels off and creepy pull the plug..dont try to make something out of nothing (my GF do this alllll the time....)

    good luck
  • Pengi81
    Pengi81 Posts: 336 Member
    I've only ever used and I'm still with her after 4 years.

    I believe there is a heterosexual equivalent though which my best friend uses
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    POF gets on my nerves. A bunch of creepy old men trying to ask me my name. MY NAME IS KITTY GET OVER IT!, EHarmony, and costs too damn much.

    Haven't tried OkCupid but something tells me it ain't free.

    Oh and clubs, bars, parties are crap unless you're looking for someone to just **** for the night. Then again I'm socially awkward and find it easier to talk to people online. At least if I say something stupid I can just delete my profile.
  • Fit_Forever25
    Fit_Forever25 Posts: 313 Member
    I would still say .. Clubbing .. pubs.. bars.. discs.. are much better options to meet new people and know them better
    Dating sites are mostly full of fake people and people just pretend to be someone they are not in order to impress! :)
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Never been on one. Don't believe in "hunting" for women.

    Best way to meet people with similar goals and beliefs is to do the things you enjoy and believe in.

    Example: If you're out riding and meet another rider. You've already got one common goal.
    If you're out playing soccer and meet another soccer player, there you go.
    If you're cruising around in your white non-descript panel van and meet girls who like to get into white non-descript panel vans, Voila!!
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member Never again I don't hate it :wink:
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    Have you looked into Events and Adventures? It's not an online site, but they set up get-togethers and outings where people can mingle. My brother-in-law met his fiancee through E&A and a good group of friends. Several in their group have gotten married to people they met through E&A.

    I met my husband online. We were interested in a lot of the same things and hit it off immediately. I always hated clubs and bars unless I was just going to dance and drink and even then it wasn't a lot of fun for me. It was always so loud you never could actually talk to anyone and most of the guys I met just wanted to hook up.

    ETA: I met my first husband at a bowling alley. He ended up being a big fat liar and I didn't find out until quite a while into the relationship. He was also abusive and more than I'll go into. So meeting someone face to face doesn't always mean that you'll get an honest idea of what they're about.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    None, don't plan to ever.