Counting Calories Does NOT work for me mentally



  • stardivap413
    the reason that this works for me, is because with WW you just add points and there are many packaged WW foods where you just have to look at the points on the label and log it without actually having to look at the content for a smarter choice. on here you dont only track calories, i track all things...esp carbs. it teaches you to learn your foods and not eat pre packaged food. I do really like WW, and i think it is fantastic...but for each person it is really going to depend on where your mind set is. as with any weight loss, there are pre packaged foods, and ways to track them. you just have to find what works for you. at least you are using WW or MFP to do it and not eat all the foods pre made for you, because then you never learn how to make the right choices and once you go off those food programs, you will prob gain it back. anyhow, good luck!! just find your motivation and commit!!

    I do eat a lot of pre packaged foods and my sodium is nuts. i will def have to make some changes for sure. thanks
  • TheChocolatePrincess
    TheChocolatePrincess Posts: 137 Member
    If it works for you, that is what you should do. And just because you aren't actually counting calories doesn't mean you have to give up on the community of friends that you have built on MFP. Everyone needs a support system. So you can combine the support of MFB with the nutrition guidelines and structure of Weight Watchers. Good Luck!
  • stardivap413
    I agree with the previous posts... go with what works for you!

    I'm a bit opposite from you.... I use MFP to count caloires, but go to the WW meetings for support and accountibility. I've been doing WW for 8 years now and it helped me to lose over 100 pounds, but I find maintaining is easier when I count calories. This is what works for me, so I do it.

    Find some balance and what works for you. You can still use this site for support and motiviation and use the WW program for the food aspect. :flowerforyou:

    thank you! thank you! thank you! and good luck to you!
  • daphnegetnfit
    You could try counting points on your own first. If you buy a points calculator, and the dining out and food companion book, you can keep track of your points - plus the app Fooducate There is a free version and one that costs 3.99 - it has a scanner and gives WW point values. It would be a little more work counting points on MFP but is doable. If you do better paying for WW and going to meetings or do on line than do that. Whatever works for you. Personally, I like WW points program, but I like MFP web site better. I think WW needs to update Etools, but it is a heck of a lot easier tracking points on Etools than MFP. (you can adjust your settings in MFP recipe maker so you can figure out the points value of any recipe you enter too!). :drinker:
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    It sounds SO overwhelming- it did to me too- but instead of trying to log everything, at least try to keep track of things you eat most often- and especially utlilize the food recipe tool that will give you an accurate count of the things you prepare.

    Ya know, you can do both- just log what you can- and guesstimate the rest for now...

    I've found it VERY helpful to be able to keep track of other things besides JUST calories.
    For example, sodium is a HUGE factor for me- so keeping tabs on that intake, as well as my water, ect. is a great tool I wouldn't want to omit.

    For me, I realized I got where I was because I didn't care and didn't pay attention...the only way to UNdo that, was to DO the complete OPPOSITE...that is, START caring and PAY ATTENTION- that meant logging
  • stardivap413
    Do what works for you! I have a coworker doing both, and the funny things is by the time she tracks on both, her point value for WW equates to what her calorie target is on MFP. So it's not about which tool, but which tool works for you and you'll continue to use!
    Good luck in your journey, after losing 10lbs i fell off the wagon and am trying to get back on track!

    I'm glad you said that, I feel like when I get off track it's the end of the world. All of these nice posts are helping me to see that its not! we can take it one day at a time. good luck to you!!
  • bcr1559
    bcr1559 Posts: 62 Member
    I think you should go back to weight watchers. You can still use MFP for the support if you want to but WW is a great plan! Use what works for you. The most important thing when trying to get healthy is YOU. Spent the money and don't feel guilty about it. You are worth the $40 or so a month!
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I'm glad to see all the positive responses you got. It's so common for people to find what works for them and then try to convert everyone else to their way of doing it. Weight loss and fitness is highly individualized and no one thing seems to work for everyone.
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    Hey... I am a HUGE! I mean HUGE over eater. I can sit down an eat a whole pound of pasta.

    I find that it isnt' a good idea to try to fight against that.

    So what I have done is I have replaced a pound of pasta with two pounds of veggies. I eat HUGE meals, but they are high nutrient and low calorie.

    Like I will get two bags of salad, a cup of shredded carrots, a half cup of steamed lentils, a serving of champagne vinnagarette, 1.8 cup sun flower or pumpkin seeds, 1/8 cup of dried cranberries - and eat all of that that's like 20 cups of salad. You can't be hungry after that.

    So my suggestion is don't eat any fake food - no artifical sweetners or wierdly low fat/low carb stuff. Concentrate on real food - and lots of veggies - It really works.

    I am eating around 1500/day and I am losing weigh faster than I thought possible.
  • stardivap413
    You could try counting points on your own first. If you buy a points calculator, and the dining out and food companion book, you can keep track of your points - plus the app Fooducate There is a free version and one that costs 3.99 - it has a scanner and gives WW point values. It would be a little more work counting points on MFP but is doable. If you do better paying for WW and going to meetings or do on line than do that. Whatever works for you. Personally, I like WW points program, but I like MFP web site better. I think WW needs to update Etools, but it is a heck of a lot easier tracking points on Etools than MFP. (you can adjust your settings in MFP recipe maker so you can figure out the points value of any recipe you enter too!). :drinker:

    you are amazing, thanks for the helpful info. I am downlaoding the app now!!!
  • rachelseeders
    I personally have used both. I watched my mom and grandma lose 80+ pounds on WW a few years ago. I think, for me at least, WW works better. I've seen more weight loss with that than MFP. But, I have also had days where I would count my points on WW and log my calories on MFP and it seems to be just about equal. I'm on a 1200 calorie diet and for WW I get 22-27 points a day. Also, I use the old points system for WW. Seems to work better for me. So like everyone else has said, do what works best for you. If it's WW, then in my opinion, its totally worth the money:) GOOD LUCK!
  • Sk8rG
    Sk8rG Posts: 55 Member
    I agree with the previous posts... go with what works for you!

    I'm a bit opposite from you.... I use MFP to count caloires, but go to the WW meetings for support and accountibility. I've been doing WW for 8 years now and it helped me to lose over 100 pounds, but I find maintaining is easier when I count calories. This is what works for me, so I do it.

    Find some balance and what works for you. You can still use this site for support and motiviation and use the WW program for the food aspect. :flowerforyou:


    I go to WW meetings for support and accountablitiy, but I log my food and exercise here on MFP instead of following the points. It might seem silly to pay to go to meetings and not even follow the progrma, but it's what currently works for me. And PS I am a Life Time Member at WW which I achieved following Points. (currently 8 lbs over goal)
  • danielle1983cov
    It's a funny old world isn't? I found exactly the opposite! WW just didn't work for me mentally. That whole saving up my points thing made me binge horribly at weekends! I discovered that I could save enough for a bottle of wine, some chocolate and a Dominos pizza on a Saturday! lol. I did lose weight, but didn't feel that I could sustain it long term. Here I make bad choices sometimes, but at least now they are choices rather than my out of control permanent eating habits.

    We are all different: you need to do what works for you. What's £5 a week for WW (or whatever it is where you're from if not UK) if you're making changes for the better? You can do this - just find the plan that works for you!

    Good luck with your weight loss! :happy:
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    do what works for you! if it's weight watchers, then hey it's weight watchers! mfp doesn't always do it for me, I have bad runs with this constantly. I'm still trying to find what works for me. I notice when I focus on what I'm eating, that's when I start to spazz real bad like "omg I need a burger and fries and cheese and oil and butter and... why do I want to eat butter? that's gross." so if WW works, stick with it!! but stay here if you like your friends, you don't need to use the food/exercise portion, stay on the friends/community part :)
  • ellesoul
    ellesoul Posts: 125 Member
  • stardivap413
    Hey... I am a HUGE! I mean HUGE over eater. I can sit down an eat a whole pound of pasta.

    I find that it isnt' a good idea to try to fight against that.

    So what I have done is I have replaced a pound of pasta with two pounds of veggies. I eat HUGE meals, but they are high nutrient and low calorie.

    Like I will get two bags of salad, a cup of shredded carrots, a half cup of steamed lentils, a serving of champagne vinnagarette, 1.8 cup sun flower or pumpkin seeds, 1/8 cup of dried cranberries - and eat all of that that's like 20 cups of salad. You can't be hungry after that.

    So my suggestion is don't eat any fake food - no artifical sweetners or wierdly low fat/low carb stuff. Concentrate on real food - and lots of veggies - It really works.

    I am eating around 1500/day and I am losing weigh faster than I thought possible.

    This is my new goal, to start eating tons of more fruits/veggies! I think I will just go to the meetings but switch things up on here! Thank you so much and it's good to know someone else out there loves pastas as much as I but has redirected it towards something good!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I really don't count my calories that closely either. I have found what foods are within my daily calorie intake and I log them, but most days I don't even finish logging or "complete" my entry. I use the food diary to see what I'm eating, but I don't count down to the last calorie nor do I stress about going over. More or less this site keeps me accountable for what I'm eating and I can adjust my meals accordingly. I'm mainly on here for the support and to see that I'm not the only one having hard days or dealing with those few pounds that bounce back!

    Just saying that I, like you, don't count meticulously. I say do what works for you. This is what's working for me. Good luck!!!
  • KristysLosing
    I agree that timing has a lot to do with it. It's a roller coaster for me. Sometimes I'm really good about keeping track, planning my day in advance and trying to stick to it. Other days not so much. A friend mentioned that she had fallen off the wagon the other day. I decided that the wagon needs seatbelts. :-) It's not easy. It's a huge lifestyle change for most of us, I think.
    I don't think you're crazy for preferring WW. If it works better for you, then that says a lot. Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I have been struggling with my weight for a few years now. I started off with Weight Watchers and I did very well back in 2010 until I thought I could save money by doing it on my own, and I fell off the wagon. Since then I found MFP on my phone. It was great at first, but I was not really dedicated to it. I was annoyed by the fact that I had to count calories, but I loved the fact that it's free, I made lots of friends, and I could keep track of my nutrition. I've never really been faithful to this site, but trying very hard to eat under my calorie goal. I admit, I am an overeater, I do this a lot!

    There is something about WW. the fact that I get to reward myself each week by getting extra points makes me want to follow it. the fact that I have 5 free fruits/veggie servings per day that I get to eat motivates me into thinking that I will be healthier. Do I sound crazy that I'd rather spend money and enter foods into a database based on four things (carb, fat, protein, fiber) rather than one thing on here for free (calories)?

    I don't want to leave mfp, but my lack of motivation by having to count calories is really something I need to change. I love this site, I love my friends, but I think that WW really does work for me. I feel it's the only thing that works for me. Anyone else feel this way or is this just crazy old me being silly?

    Just wanting some opinions, suggestions, etc

    I have about 90 lbs to lose and keep off.

    Do what works for you (assuming it's healthy of course).
  • stardivap413
    I agree with the previous posts... go with what works for you!

    I'm a bit opposite from you.... I use MFP to count caloires, but go to the WW meetings for support and accountibility. I've been doing WW for 8 years now and it helped me to lose over 100 pounds, but I find maintaining is easier when I count calories. This is what works for me, so I do it.

    Find some balance and what works for you. You can still use this site for support and motiviation and use the WW program for the food aspect. :flowerforyou:


    I go to WW meetings for support and accountablitiy, but I log my food and exercise here on MFP instead of following the points. It might seem silly to pay to go to meetings and not even follow the progrma, but it's what currently works for me. And PS I am a Life Time Member at WW which I achieved following Points. (currently 8 lbs over goal)

    I think I am going to try doing this, I am going to go to the meetings but stick around on this site to keep track of things. I am going to find what works for me and stick with it instead of feeling bad about it. I found so many negative comments about WW on this site when I searched. People must have had some bad experiences so i never went back to it b/c of the personal comments in the threads I found, but it DOES work for me and I am sure this site would work for me too if I could just stick with it. I will combine the two. thanks for your help