Feeding Tube Diet

Did you see the Today show? They showed how brides are paying $1500 to live off of a feeding tube for 10 days to lose weight! Crazy! The quick fix isn't going to do anything in the long run and is unhealthy at 800 cals a day! What do you think?


  • soagirl777
    soagirl777 Posts: 52 Member
    I saw this too. I could not believe the lenghts people will go to. My first thought was get off your lazy *kitten* move! It's real simple...calories in - calories out. I would be embarassed to be seen in public with a tube in my nose. So these women want to "appear" smaller and still look untoned and flabby? This is just a quick fix. Hope they enjoy their "day" cause that's all the longer it will last.:laugh:
  • peacek
    peacek Posts: 211
    I guess there is no limit to what people cam come up with.
    I read the article on Yahoo and was horrified...literally! :noway: