Fingers crossed this makes me behave!

Hi guys, I'm new here.
Hoping this will help me keep my diet in check. I can't stand junk food but I do love the demon carbs and it is holding back my progress horrifically. My exercise regime is good, my trainer is really pleased and so am I, but my love of pasta/potatoes for dinner is really letting me down. Fingers crossed some of you know exactly what I'm on about and will maybe have some handy hints.
Looking forward to being a part of this! :bigsmile:


  • Hahaha, I know exactly what you mean when it comes to pasta and potatoes! And bread is my demon too... always feel quite hungry if I haven't had one of them in my day!

    Have added you, hopefully we can push each other along :happy:

    Good luck! x
  • Ah thank you! I shall add you back now! Toast at midnight, with Marmite... Argh, must stop! Lol!
  • It is a great tool, especially if you have the working out habit already. I have logged for 60+ days and have lost 4 lbs of fat and gained 1lb of muscle. GOOD LUCK! Hope you have much success!!
  • That is great! I'm looking forward to logging my meals etc. I really hope it will keep me on track. My worst habit is skipping meals and then loading up on carbs to make up for it. I guess there is no getting away with that if I want to use this properly! :laugh: