Obsessive weigh-ins...



  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    works the opposite way too...

    i am an obsessive scale monger... although i am improving....

    :laugh: :laugh: I am sure that's true (:

    btw I LOVE your quote by Jillian!!!
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    I personally do weight once a day in the morning, but it's not for everyone. It can be disheartening to see no change or even a bigger number, but I like to know where I am. Just do whatever is best for you, and pretty soon your numbers will start going down! :)
    I go through spurts, but sometimes I weigh myself daily for a week where I'm feeling my resolve start to fade just to keep it real. To remind myself what my goals are and to be conscientious about what goes in my mouth each day. For me, it's a day to day battle that I need to win. But then some weeks, when I've been doing good, I don't need the scale to monitor my mood. I just feel good. So I guess I'm saying I only use it to motivate me to do better. If I'm feeling good, I don't go near it because it won't be my friend that day usually anyway. :explode:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Here's the deal... unless you eat 3500 more than your daily allowance of calories (maintenance cals), you will not gain fat. But you can fluctuate as much as 5 pounds at any given moment with water retention, dehydration, etc etc etc. Sodium is my devil and right now I'm "up" 2.5 pounds, because I haven't been drinking enough water and have gone over on sodium for days. But I've been under cals so I "know" I havent' really gained weight.

    It takes awhile for your body to adjust to new eating, etc. That's just nature. You didn't gain this weight overnight, you won't lose it overnight. Focus not on the pounds but on the inches, on how you're eating healthier, etc. I lost an entire size in clothes without dropping a pound simply because I was firming up.

    The scale will frustrate you and can ultimately beat you. So it's a guide, not the end-all-of-all. Weigh once a month even. If you are eating right and being honest with what you're eating, eating healthy and drinking your water, you'll be fine!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I am also an everyday weigher-switched to once a week, and still-if it's up, I'm miserabe. And i KNOW it can be hormones, fluid retention, etc., but the almighty number infuriates me. So, as of today, whoever wants too, can try like me and weigh once a month.:huh: The day after my TOM will be my official weigh in from now on.:bigsmile:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    thanks, ladies!! Of course everything makes perfect sense!

    Once a month weigh ins? I don't know if I could do that.... But baby steps.... I am going to get it to weekly and then maybe I will be able to stretch it to monthly (:
  • sdesrosiers
    sdesrosiers Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks Adopt 4! That was a very helpful response. Recently finding out the I had to consume 3500 calories more than my body needed to gain a single pound was an aha moment for me. - Learned it at bodies unveiled exhibit. Anyway, it was the trigger I needed. If I want to loose a pound I have to burn those same 3500 calories. What a concept. - given that I am 100 pounds overweight that is 350,000 calories to burn, but lets not go there right now. One day, one decision at a time.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Thanks Adopt 4! That was a very helpful response. Recently finding out the I had to consume 3500 calories more than my body needed to gain a single pound was an aha moment for me. - Learned it at bodies unveiled exhibit. Anyway, it was the trigger I needed. If I want to loose a pound I have to burn those same 3500 calories. What a concept. - given that I am 100 pounds overweight that is 350,000 calories to burn, but lets not go there right now. One day, one decision at a time.

    Yes, I to have a ton of calories to burn (::laugh:
    We can do it!!!!!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I got to the point where I was going insane, weighing myself every day and then being furious when there was no change, or god forbid, a gain. Finally, my husband hid the scales and only let me use them once a week until I got into the habit of not getting on there all of the time.

    Try locking them up. Hiding them. Something. That habit right there leads to being discouraged and quitting more than just about anything else, apart from general laziness.

    My boyfriend had to hide mine once too for a while cause I was getting really discouraged since I was eating well and exercising but gaining weight... seems stress does some nasty things to our bodies doesn't it? But I quit the job that was causing all the stress and I dropped weight, my blood pressure is back to normal and I can sleep at night :) Yay!!!
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    I have the same problem it's so hard to not weigh in when you are so conscience about it!
  • I weight myself almost everyday except when it's TOM time or when I ate lots sodium or chinese food. Use the scale as a tool to remind me to stay on the diet. When the scale goes down, then I'm happy and follow the diet to the T. When it goes up, I work harder to get it to go down. Since there are some many reasons for the scale to go up, I don't get upset about it. In fact I know I'm doing good if I don't lose weight but my measurements goes down or the pants are getting smaller b/c it meant I did not lose muscle in fact I 'm gaining muscles mass and losing fat :tongue:
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