Just signed up....can't do this alone

Hi there. I just signed up and for sure, it is not easy to do this alone. I really need to lose weight and want to....hopefully, by doing so, i can lose weight but gain friends.
I will need all the support and tips.


  • nikp2113
    nikp2113 Posts: 1
    HI I joined today and I agree its no fun to do it alone. If you ever feel like you need some support you can always send me a message. My name is Nikki btw. Good luck on your journey. :0))
  • mischief1on1
    Why do you think these sites are so great. It's to help you not do it alone!

    Keep it up little by little. And there are many people here and would love to give you encouragment.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • ccguillory
    ccguillory Posts: 30 Member
    We will all be here for you Team 2012 :)
  • cakdavid
    cakdavid Posts: 4
    Thank you. I am just also trying to work my way around the site....I do appreciate it. Cece
  • jtlilpeanut26
    jtlilpeanut26 Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome to fitnesspal! I've been using fitness pal since January and it's a huge eye opener to what you are putting in your mouth. I have lost 10lbs!! :) Which is a slow healthy pace !! good luck you can do it. Just believe in yourself. Find a picture of an ideal body type u want and hang it up on the fridge and maybe even in ur car (in case you are a drive thru junkie) and every time u go to eat something bad ull see that an be redirected!!