Introduce myself

Hi, I'm Lisa. I have been on here for a couple months, but never took the time to post anything. I lost 16 lbs doing a challenge at my YMCA, then I went on a cruise and gained 7 back, I'm having a hard time getting back into the routine again. But, :wink: I started logging my food and exercise again today! I hope to make some new friends who understand the challenge of being healthy. I say challenge, because it's a moment to moment struggle of what should I eat? Forcing myself to exercise etc. You understand, right?


  • tngfordisney
    Hi Lisa,

    I agree it is a struggle. I need to work on planning to make it easier on myself. good luck with your goals.

  • leanby2013
    leanby2013 Posts: 137
    I started logging saturday, :)