Hello From A New Member

Hi! I've been a member of MFP for 3 days now and I thought an introduction might be overdue. My name is Jessica, but most people call me Jessa. I'm 27 and live in Pennsylvania in an area with lots of winding, picturesque roads just perfect for walking. I love, love, love to read and do so whenever possible... even if that means reading the back of the cereal box at the breakfast table. I also like to play games, take walks (on those picturesque roads I mentioned ;)), and do various crafts (like jewelry making, crochet, etc.). My current weight is 193 lbs. but I'd really like to take it down to at least 130-140 because a.) I've got weak knees and my doctor told me they wouldn't hurt so much if I lost weight (ouch, talk about taking a bullet to my fragile self-confidence, lol) and b.) I'd love to be able to shop in the normal section of clothing stores instead of plus size. In my teens I struggled with anorexia so losing weight is always a tightrope walk for me. I need help making healthy choices without becoming obsessed in the process. I wish everyone luck reaching their goals and if anyone would like a new friend, feel free to add me.