Conflicting sugar and healthy eating ideas

Hey, i'm new here. Basicly i'd like to loose a bit of weight, tone up and eat healthily so that i feel and look great. I think i'm keeping my calories in check now, but because i eat alot of fruit eg today i had coconut, grapes, apple, banana, apricots etc.. my sugar levels were ridiculously over by like 64g or so. I'm really confused/ need your advice. Should i cut out the fruit and stick to minimal food in order to loose weight or should i continue a balanced lifestyle but risk all this sugar? Just wondered what you though as i original jsut wnated to loose some weight, get down to 118lbs or so and be halthy but now i think it might be negativley affecting my weight loss because sugar can cause bloating and stuff right? help?!

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  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    You can still enjoy fruit, maybe just eat less of it. It's not all sugar, it does have many positive attributes and remember that the MFP scale doesn't work for everyone. For example, I was not getting enough protein so I manually adjusted my levels.

    good luck!
  • Thanks that really boosted my confidence in what i'm doing!
  • So the idea, as I understand it, is that processed sugars cause your body to hang on to fat / make it more difficult to lose weight. Fruit is NOT the same as processed sugars, however. Also, one thing to know is that most fruits have an equally high dose of fiber, which helps your body to slowly digest the sugar you do get from eating it. So 60g of sugar from fruit is not at all equal to 60g of sugar from, lets say, a slice of cake. With that being said, I have been told that you don't need to worry too much about sugar intake that comes from fruit and veggies UNLESS you are diabetic and have trouble processing sugars. Then you may want to limit sugar, no matter what the source. I hope this helps. Try replacing some of the fruit with veggies. Fruit is not the only low calorie food out there.
  • What the others said is true, although some will disagree. Fruit is different. Many people (high raw, vegan) eat only fruit - tons of it - and lose a lot of weight. It is processed sugar that will typically make losing weight more difficult (but even that is just fine in moderation). I think as long as you eat each food group moderately, your body feels good, you're losing... all is well! Mostly this journey will be a test of what works for you, though, and that takes some experimenting. Good luck!
    Oh, and additionally, a lot of us on here have removed the sugar tracker from our diaries, including myself.