Can Splenda really cause...?



  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    it's possible. there are plenty of "DON'T USE ANYTHING WITH CHEMICALS!!!111ONE!" people out there.

    I guess I'm one of them, but only when the use seems unnecessary.

    I used to use cinnamon gum (and still occasionally do) as a tide-me-over. I grabbed a 3-pack and I still have some left, but I didn't notice when I bought it that it was "low calorie" and it uses sucralose. The label proudly declares "30% fewer calories than sugared gum. Calorie content of this size stick has been reduced from 5 to 31/2 calories!!!"

    I'm not necessarily afraid of the big bad sucralose (especially in the miniscule quantities found in gum), and I'm too adverse to waste to throw the gum out and buy a new pack, but I'm eating sucralose which has been introduced to save a CALORIE AND A HALF???

    I've burned more than that just typing this post!

    If you absolutely must have something sweet, the long-term effects of eating too many calories in sugars are well-known. High glycemic index means it converts to fat readily, and being very heavy has known effects on long-term health. Constant input of it can (in certain sensitive individuals) have long-term effects like triggering diabetes. So using artificial or engineered sweeteners can be less impactful than refined sugars. Then again, who knows? Controlled studies do not make a complete picture.

    I'm anti-chemical in that I don't want to be the proving ground for something that can't have decades-long broadly-based studies because it emerged from the lab just a few years ago. How many of these things have been taken off the market post-introduction because they affected a certain percentage of the population in a negative way (or, in the case of others like saccharin, because of poorly-done overblown studies causing a scare where there really was no scientifically-supported risk)?

    So if you do choose to be among my volunteer army of guinea pigs and royal food tasters, let me be the first to offer my heartfelt "thank you". If, after 20 years, you and the other regular users of a new product are still alive to continue to extoll its virtues, maybe I'll give it a try. :)

    In the meantime, I'll continue to use sweeteners that have clearly-identified and well-studied risks, and take those risks into account in my usage of same.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I agree this was a great thought, but it's funny I have really starting drinking much less coffee and tea lately. And that's a blessing in itself! I think everyone's advice has been terrific. I will stop using the Splenda and just use real sugar for when I want a cup of joe! Maybe I will try stevia ???

    Use the sugar, count the calories. Seriously - a teaspoon of sugar has, what, 16 calories? Park 50 feet further from the building and call it a break-even. :)

    Better yet, get better-quality coffee or tea and enjoy the subtle and complex flavors of an unsweetened hot beverage. Learn to love flavor and not sweet, and you'll find the rest of your diet starts correcting itself all on its own.
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    I agree this was a great thought, but it's funny I have really starting drinking much less coffee and tea lately. And that's a blessing in itself! I think everyone's advice has been terrific. I will stop using the Splenda and just use real sugar for when I want a cup of joe! Maybe I will try stevia ???

    Use the sugar, count the calories. Seriously - a teaspoon of sugar has, what, 16 calories? Park 50 feet further from the building and call it a break-even. :)

    Better yet, get better-quality coffee or tea and enjoy the subtle and complex flavors of an unsweetened hot beverage. Learn to love flavor and not sweet, and you'll find the rest of your diet starts correcting itself all on its own.

    I love this! I never flavor coffee or tea. There's so many different coffees from the DR or Nicaragua or Costa Rica and they taste so different and fantastic in their own ways! :) and tea. don't even get me started on tea. I got this raspberry green/black tea that was so sweet on it's own it was scary!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I agree this was a great thought, but it's funny I have really starting drinking much less coffee and tea lately. And that's a blessing in itself! I think everyone's advice has been terrific. I will stop using the Splenda and just use real sugar for when I want a cup of joe! Maybe I will try stevia ???

    Use the sugar, count the calories. Seriously - a teaspoon of sugar has, what, 16 calories? Park 50 feet further from the building and call it a break-even. :)

    Better yet, get better-quality coffee or tea and enjoy the subtle and complex flavors of an unsweetened hot beverage. Learn to love flavor and not sweet, and you'll find the rest of your diet starts correcting itself all on its own.

    I love this! I never flavor coffee or tea. There's so many different coffees from the DR or Nicaragua or Costa Rica and they taste so different and fantastic in their own ways! :) and tea. don't even get me started on tea. I got this raspberry green/black tea that was so sweet on it's own it was scary!

    just noting, in the DR they use sugar cane in their coffee most all the time. spent time there and the coffee, even for a caffeine junky, is SUPER strong. it's fabulous, but they definitely still sweeten it.

    (and after nearly a decade in Texas, even the though of non-sweetened tea makes me shudder. ha!)
  • almartinez2
    I have been having unexplained high blood pressure lately and I noticed that sucralose is in my light yogurt that I eat. I felt like I was gonna die the other day. My BP was 140/100. Luckily, I'm ok now. I'm going back to regular sugar, stevia, or none at all.