burn 800-4000 calories per day, how much should I eat?



  • nivlage
    nivlage Posts: 26 Member
    If I don't eat below my BMR how can I lose weight? My BMR may be around 2200 or so and MFP says to eat 1870 or less to lose 2lbs per week.

    -Eat below you TDEE and you will lose weight.

    Wouldnt my body just use the stored fat as energy?

    -Some of it will. Fat isn't the only energy source.

    How come the people on biggest loser are exercising a ton and not eating more to compensate for the calories they burned?

    -Because they are desperate, and stupid.

    *so confused*

    -Stop watching stupid tv shows.

    Ok, my BMR couldnt possibly be 2200 if MFP says to stick around 1870. I think 1200-1500 is starvation mode. If MyFitnessPal says i should stick under 1870 with no exercise, do you think my BMR will be less than 1870? I am guessing the 1870 is the TDEE right?

    Sorry, I'm still confused as to what exercise burns 3000 calories/day if you're not a professional athlete....

    I bought a heartrate monitor and people say its probably about 90% accurate. I go to LA Boxing and each hour session I do burns 800-1000 calories. I am soaked in sweat every time and I am hooked. I sometimes do 4 classes per day no problem. Usually I do 2-3 classes per day. Certain light days(1x per week) I will only do 1. I drink plenty of water and get the proper protein after each class.

    I wanted to post this real quick and now I am going to reply to the rest of the posts in order. :)

    You do 2-3 classes per day??? :noway: .... So basically you're working out 2 - 3 hours every day.... that's crazy. Personally I would burn out from exercising that hard. The body needs to rest and recover. How long have you been maintaining this regimen?

    Eta: You need to eat a lot of those calories back or you're going to pass out eventually (if not from body/muscle fatigue then from lack of sustenance and energy).

    It is tough but I am doing it with no problem. I have been going for 6 months now. At first I started it 3 days a week, real light, barely even trying. Then I bumped it up to 4, then 5, then 6 days a week. After that I have been trying harder while in the classes too. I am punching and kicking nearly as hard and fast as I can until I start slowing down and take occasional very small breaks. It's going good so far and I can't wait to be in shape. I was hoping to have a flat stomach by summer or the end of summer but it seems that I can't just work harder to lose more quicker. That sucks. I really would like to be able to just put more hours in the gym if it meant that I could lose more quicker.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Your HRM is wrong.

    What brand is it?

    If not Polar - did you input age, gender, weight at minimum?

    By the way, keep this mantra in mind.

    Diet is for fat loss.
    Exercise is for body shaping and heart health. it can help or hinder fat loss.

    If you want to exercise that much that often - you would be better served eating at maintenance level, and just let your exercise create the deficit.

    So go back to diet/fitness profile, change activity level to whatever is true for your non-exercise time.
    Set goal to Maintain.

    Exercise away!
  • nivlage
    nivlage Posts: 26 Member
    I bought a heartrate monitor and people say its probably about 90% accurate. I go to LA Boxing and each hour session I do burns 800-1000 calories. I am soaked in sweat every time and I am hooked. I sometimes do 4 classes per day no problem. Usually I do 2-3 classes per day. Certain light days(1x per week) I will only do 1. I drink plenty of water and get the proper protein after each class.

    I suggest you read this article: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/exercise-and-weightfat-loss-part-1.html
    You're not burning 800-1000 calories per hour session. Why are you doing 2-4 classes per day anyways?

    Im reading it now. thanks for the link
  • hutchy100
    hutchy100 Posts: 103 Member
    Are you a pro sports man as i'm pretty sure pro's don't train that long?
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    Have you calculated your BMR and TDEE at www.freedieting.com or www.fat2fitradio.com?
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    What kind of exercising are you doing that burns 3000 calories per day???? I have never seen numbers like that before!

    ^^^^^^^^ *sits and waits patiently*

  • nivlage
    nivlage Posts: 26 Member
    I bought a heartrate monitor and people say its probably about 90% accurate. I go to LA Boxing and each hour session I do burns 800-1000 calories. I am soaked in sweat every time and I am hooked. I sometimes do 4 classes per day no problem. Usually I do 2-3 classes per day. Certain light days(1x per week) I will only do 1. I drink plenty of water and get the proper protein after each class.

    I suggest you read this article: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/exercise-and-weightfat-loss-part-1.html
    You're not burning 800-1000 calories per hour session. Why are you doing 2-4 classes per day anyways?

    I read part 1 of the link you posted and I understand what it is saying. It is saying that it is unrealistic for people to have the time or motivation to do such intense excercise, but exercise at greater levels has shown to have more of an effect on weight loss.

    I have no problem doing 2-4 classes per day and look forward to getting to a point where I can maintain and maybe only work out 1 hour per day, 6x per week.

    i am burning 800-1000 calories per session. I have a polar HRM and it has my height, gender, and weight in there. Trust me, the workouts that I am doing are like NOTHING else around. It is more intense than racketball, swimming, basketball, and anything else you can think of. it goes from punch/kick combos to jumping jacks, pushups, burpies, squat jumps, back to punch/kick combos NONSTOP for an hour. I know it doesnt seem possible to burn that many calories per hour but it is.

    What were you getting at though? I know I can probably turn it down a little in the exercise department. My diet is pretty good though, no fast food, little processed food, no pop and many fruits and veggies. I could go into more detail but I was just wondering what you wanted me to discover in the article. It was a very intersting one btw!
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    There's really no reason to be doing that amount of exercise to lose weight. You could more easily do it by just eating fewer calories. But, to each his own.

    agreed, its all about balance. if I were you and you had that much motivation i would work out like you are, and eat only when i am hungry until i couldn't do it anymore and than start learning form it. this way you will lose a ton of weight really fast and when your finally tired and cannot do it anymore, the mind suddenly opens up for new information.
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    I bought a heartrate monitor and people say its probably about 90% accurate. I go to LA Boxing and each hour session I do burns 800-1000 calories. I am soaked in sweat every time and I am hooked. I sometimes do 4 classes per day no problem. Usually I do 2-3 classes per day. Certain light days(1x per week) I will only do 1. I drink plenty of water and get the proper protein after each class.

    I suggest you read this article: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/exercise-and-weightfat-loss-part-1.html
    You're not burning 800-1000 calories per hour session. Why are you doing 2-4 classes per day anyways?

    I read part 1 of the link you posted and I understand what it is saying. It is saying that it is unrealistic for people to have the time or motivation to do such intense excercise, but exercise at greater levels has shown to have more of an effect on weight loss.

    I have no problem doing 2-4 classes per day and look forward to getting to a point where I can maintain and maybe only work out 1 hour per day, 6x per week.

    i am burning 800-1000 calories per session. I have a polar HRM and it has my height, gender, and weight in there. Trust me, the workouts that I am doing are like NOTHING else around. It is more intense than racketball, swimming, basketball, and anything else you can think of. it goes from punch/kick combos to jumping jacks, pushups, burpies, squat jumps, back to punch/kick combos NONSTOP for an hour. I know it doesnt seem possible to burn that many calories per hour but it is.

    What were you getting at though? I know I can probably turn it down a little in the exercise department. My diet is pretty good though, no fast food, little processed food, no pop and many fruits and veggies. I could go into more detail but I was just wondering what you wanted me to discover in the article. It was a very intersting one btw!

    seriously, i would keep doing what your doing, it may take a couple of weeks or a month or 2, but you will hit the wall or plateau like everyone talks about, when that happens make some changes. go after it man knock the pounds off. you can do it.
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    There's really no reason to be doing that amount of exercise to lose weight. You could more easily do it by just eating fewer calories. But, to each his own.

    agreed, its all about balance. if I were you and you had that much motivation i would work out like you are, and eat only when i am hungry until i couldn't do it anymore and than start learning form it. this way you will lose a ton of weight really fast and when your finally tired and cannot do it anymore, the mind suddenly opens up for new information.

    and the body gets tired, and then you don't want to workout, and you start to eat junk food again, and you gain the weight back. It's the most common cycle. He will learn. Seems he's missing the most critical points. No matter how many times you repeat yourself some people still don't listen, they learn by experience.

    If he wants to exercise as much as he does that's fine, nothing wrong with it, just as long as he provides sufficient fuel to his body.

    this exactly, i am going through this right now, we make mistakes in order to learn. good luck, keep going after it. don't worry about eating to much or to less or working out to much or to less. if it feels good, do it!!
  • nivlage
    nivlage Posts: 26 Member
    Your HRM is wrong.

    What brand is it?

    If not Polar - did you input age, gender, weight at minimum?

    By the way, keep this mantra in mind.

    Diet is for fat loss.
    Exercise is for body shaping and heart health. it can help or hinder fat loss.

    If you want to exercise that much that often - you would be better served eating at maintenance level, and just let your exercise create the deficit.

    So go back to diet/fitness profile, change activity level to whatever is true for your non-exercise time.
    Set goal to Maintain.

    Exercise away!

    lol! thanks for the input! The heart rate monitor is a polar and it may be wrong but it shouldnt be more than 10% off. I know the only real way is to measure oxygen consumption in the blood for an accurate calorie count. This should be pretty close though.

    here is a video of the tv station that came to our gym for a show, it can give you an idea of what the workout is like:

    Lets say that I still want to lose 80lbs in the next 6 months, are you saying that I can just eat what I need to maintain(maybe thats 2400 calories) and I can still burn the 1000 at the gym and I will lose weight?

    Your BMR and TDEE are very different. TDEE takes into account your daily activities, while BMR is what your body needs just to survive (pump blood, respire, etc). You need those calories; if you are eating 2000 calories a day and burning 3000, you may think your body will begin to break down fat. You would be wrong. The first thing your body uses when it isn't getting enough fuel is muscle. When your muscles begin to break down, not only does your metabolism slow, but you have to keep in mind that your heart is also a muscle. If your body begins to break it down as well, you are surely in some trouble.

    Wow, that surely would be some trouble. Hmmmm.. If what you are saying is true then I will have no problem getting the extra calories. I will just juice more fruits and veggies. Luckily the protein shake gives me some added calories after each workout.

    So if I burn 3000 calories per day and my fitness pal says that I should eat only 1870 to lose 2lbs per week, I should eat 3000 more calories? I was thinking about bringing the number to 1600 calories and then replace what I burn. Are you saying that would be a good strategy for losing the most weight possible? I really enjoy the physical activity and have no problem whatsoever doing the work.

    Sounds like you're looking for a quick weight loss solution, those fail. Yes it's true you will burn away at muscle if you don't consume enough food. Which will lower your metabolic rate, slowing down your metabolism and will just continue the downward cycle.

    I think you're missing the point, "drinking more juice" isn't the answer. Juice "CAN" be a "PART" of a well balanced diet, assuming it's juiced through a juicer, and not sugary fruit juices.

    If it's true what you said "i like the exercises i do." Then what's the problem with eating up your food? If you're not going for a quick weight loss method?

    Here is why quick weight loss methods don't work. First off, already mentioned the metabolic issues by not eating enough and loss of muscle mass, 2nd your thyroid will slow down also slowing down your metabolic rate.

    Another big reason these fail is due to the fact of you're just not adapted to it. Someone just doesn't wake up one morning and go run a marathon, you have to develop the skills to finish the marathon. This marathon is your goal weight. You need practice, in making right food choices, exercising properly, doing what you need to lose your weight. Sure you can go balls to the wall and lose weight quickly, but you will burn out, and crash and gain the weight back. You also didn't develop the habits necessary to keep the weight off. If someone loses 20lbs in 1 month, and another person does it in 6 months, the person who done it in 6 months has a lot more practice than the person who did it in one month.

    hahahaha balls to the wall is right!!

    Ok I see your points. they are pretty good ones too. So IF I am going to burn off 3000 calories in one day, that's 3, one hour sessions(1000 calories each), I should put back on the 3000 calories that I burned? So if MyFitnessPal says to eat 1870(to lose 2lbs per week) and I do 3000 worth of exercise I should eat a balanced diet totalling 4870 calories for that day in order to still lose 2lbs per week?

    I get it. I am trying to respond to every single post on here, but I thought someone posted a link of where to calculate my BMR. I am going to check that out pretty soon here.

    Let me know if there is something that I am missing.
  • nivlage
    nivlage Posts: 26 Member
    Your BMR and TDEE are very different. TDEE takes into account your daily activities, while BMR is what your body needs just to survive (pump blood, respire, etc). You need those calories; if you are eating 2000 calories a day and burning 3000, you may think your body will begin to break down fat. You would be wrong. The first thing your body uses when it isn't getting enough fuel is muscle. When your muscles begin to break down, not only does your metabolism slow, but you have to keep in mind that your heart is also a muscle. If your body begins to break it down as well, you are surely in some trouble.

    Wow, that surely would be some trouble. Hmmmm.. If what you are saying is true then I will have no problem getting the extra calories. I will just juice more fruits and veggies. Luckily the protein shake gives me some added calories after each workout.

    So if I burn 3000 calories per day and my fitness pal says that I should eat only 1870 to lose 2lbs per week, I should eat 3000 more calories? I was thinking about bringing the number to 1600 calories and then replace what I burn. Are you saying that would be a good strategy for losing the most weight possible? I really enjoy the physical activity and have no problem whatsoever doing the work.

    Sounds like you're looking for a quick weight loss solution, those fail. Yes it's true you will burn away at muscle if you don't consume enough food. Which will lower your metabolic rate, slowing down your metabolism and will just continue the downward cycle.

    I think you're missing the point, "drinking more juice" isn't the answer. Juice "CAN" be a "PART" of a well balanced diet, assuming it's juiced through a juicer, and not sugary fruit juices.

    If it's true what you said "i like the exercises i do." Then what's the problem with eating up your food? If you're not going for a quick weight loss method?

    Here is why quick weight loss methods don't work. First off, already mentioned the metabolic issues by not eating enough and loss of muscle mass, 2nd your thyroid will slow down also slowing down your metabolic rate.

    Another big reason these fail is due to the fact of you're just not adapted to it. Someone just doesn't wake up one morning and go run a marathon, you have to develop the skills to finish the marathon. This marathon is your goal weight. You need practice, in making right food choices, exercising properly, doing what you need to lose your weight. Sure you can go balls to the wall and lose weight quickly, but you will burn out, and crash and gain the weight back. You also didn't develop the habits necessary to keep the weight off. If someone loses 20lbs in 1 month, and another person does it in 6 months, the person who done it in 6 months has a lot more practice than the person who did it in one month.

    btw a quick fix would be nice. That WAS what I was going for and then I was going to just go back into maintain mode once I got to the weight that I need to be at. My habits have changed drastically, for the better, in the last year, 6 months, month and even 2 weeks. I am proud of myself but you are right, I was hoping to speed things up.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    You got it!!! It's important to consume enough calories especially if you are burning that much every day. Consuming too few calories will actually hinder your weight loss goals. Consume between your BMR (minimum) and TDEE to lose weight. If you burn additional calories with exercise eat them back.

    Best of luck!

    Your HRM is wrong.

    What brand is it?

    If not Polar - did you input age, gender, weight at minimum?

    By the way, keep this mantra in mind.

    Diet is for fat loss.
    Exercise is for body shaping and heart health. it can help or hinder fat loss.

    If you want to exercise that much that often - you would be better served eating at maintenance level, and just let your exercise create the deficit.

    So go back to diet/fitness profile, change activity level to whatever is true for your non-exercise time.
    Set goal to Maintain.

    Exercise away!

    lol! thanks for the input! The heart rate monitor is a polar and it may be wrong but it shouldnt be more than 10% off. I know the only real way is to measure oxygen consumption in the blood for an accurate calorie count. This should be pretty close though.

    here is a video of the tv station that came to our gym for a show, it can give you an idea of what the workout is like:

    Lets say that I still want to lose 80lbs in the next 6 months, are you saying that I can just eat what I need to maintain(maybe thats 2400 calories) and I can still burn the 1000 at the gym and I will lose weight?

    Your BMR and TDEE are very different. TDEE takes into account your daily activities, while BMR is what your body needs just to survive (pump blood, respire, etc). You need those calories; if you are eating 2000 calories a day and burning 3000, you may think your body will begin to break down fat. You would be wrong. The first thing your body uses when it isn't getting enough fuel is muscle. When your muscles begin to break down, not only does your metabolism slow, but you have to keep in mind that your heart is also a muscle. If your body begins to break it down as well, you are surely in some trouble.

    Wow, that surely would be some trouble. Hmmmm.. If what you are saying is true then I will have no problem getting the extra calories. I will just juice more fruits and veggies. Luckily the protein shake gives me some added calories after each workout.

    So if I burn 3000 calories per day and my fitness pal says that I should eat only 1870 to lose 2lbs per week, I should eat 3000 more calories? I was thinking about bringing the number to 1600 calories and then replace what I burn. Are you saying that would be a good strategy for losing the most weight possible? I really enjoy the physical activity and have no problem whatsoever doing the work.

    Sounds like you're looking for a quick weight loss solution, those fail. Yes it's true you will burn away at muscle if you don't consume enough food. Which will lower your metabolic rate, slowing down your metabolism and will just continue the downward cycle.

    I think you're missing the point, "drinking more juice" isn't the answer. Juice "CAN" be a "PART" of a well balanced diet, assuming it's juiced through a juicer, and not sugary fruit juices.

    If it's true what you said "i like the exercises i do." Then what's the problem with eating up your food? If you're not going for a quick weight loss method?

    Here is why quick weight loss methods don't work. First off, already mentioned the metabolic issues by not eating enough and loss of muscle mass, 2nd your thyroid will slow down also slowing down your metabolic rate.

    Another big reason these fail is due to the fact of you're just not adapted to it. Someone just doesn't wake up one morning and go run a marathon, you have to develop the skills to finish the marathon. This marathon is your goal weight. You need practice, in making right food choices, exercising properly, doing what you need to lose your weight. Sure you can go balls to the wall and lose weight quickly, but you will burn out, and crash and gain the weight back. You also didn't develop the habits necessary to keep the weight off. If someone loses 20lbs in 1 month, and another person does it in 6 months, the person who done it in 6 months has a lot more practice than the person who did it in one month.

    hahahaha balls to the wall is right!!

    Ok I see your points. they are pretty good ones too. So IF I am going to burn off 3000 calories in one day, that's 3, one hour sessions(1000 calories each), I should put back on the 3000 calories that I burned? So if MyFitnessPal says to eat 1870(to lose 2lbs per week) and I do 3000 worth of exercise I should eat a balanced diet totalling 4870 calories for that day in order to still lose 2lbs per week?

    I get it. I am trying to respond to every single post on here, but I thought someone posted a link of where to calculate my BMR. I am going to check that out pretty soon here.

    Let me know if there is something that I am missing.
  • nivlage
    nivlage Posts: 26 Member
    Lets clear this up, you burn 4,000 calories per day, or per workout???

    I burn about 4,000 calories on the days i workout too..

    Per day, if I go balls out its 1000 per session. It's pretty intense though!

    Have you calculated your BMR and TDEE at www.freedieting.com or www.fat2fitradio.com?

    freedieting.com BMR says(Miffin formula):
    "Maintenance 2278 CALORIES/DAY"

    fat2fitradio.com BMR says(Harris formula):
    "Entered information: 30 year old male, 71 inches(5'11") tall, weighing 284 pounds.

    From the information that you entered, you'd like to weigh 200 lbs. (SEE WARNING BELOW)

    Harris-Benedict Formula
    There are a few different methods to calculating yourbasal metabolic rate (BMR). One of the most popular, developed in the early 1900's is called the Harris-Benedict formula. Based on this formula, your current BMR is 2533 calories."

    So if I ate my BMR calories I would lose weight? 2200-2533 seems like a ton of calories. I put on there my job is sedentary type job.

    Ok, so what if I did eat the 2500 calories and then burned 2000 calories that day? From what many people are saying on here I should eat 2000 more calories of a balanced meals and I would still lose weight?

    I really appreciate all of your help! You all rock!
  • nivlage
    nivlage Posts: 26 Member
    What kind of exercising are you doing that burns 3000 calories per day???? I have never seen numbers like that before!

    ^^^^^^^^ *sits and waits patiently*


    LMAO!! It is!!!!!
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    You should never be netting below your bmr. Either start eating more calorie-dense foods, or exercise less. Your body won't last long if you put that much strain on it; it's like trying to make a car run with no gas.

    If I don't eat below my BMR how can I lose weight? My BMR may be around 2200 or so and MFP says to eat 1870 or less to lose 2lbs per week.

    Wouldnt my body just use the stored fat as energy?

    How come the people on biggest loser are exercising a ton and not eating more to compensate for the calories they burned?

    *so confused*

    Your BMR is based on how many calories you would burn if you did literally nothing all day. If you aren't eating at least that number... you aren't supplying your body with what it needs for its essential functions... So when you are burning more than you eat your aren't doing your body a bit of good. EAT MORE FOOD. or you know... work out less. the choice is yours.
  • nivlage
    nivlage Posts: 26 Member
    There's really no reason to be doing that amount of exercise to lose weight. You could more easily do it by just eating fewer calories. But, to each his own.

    I would like to do less exercise and lose more weight. :) I can always use the exercise to create the deficit. If my BMR was 2500 and I worked out 1000, I could theoretically eat 3500 calories and still lose weight. That just seems like so many calories. I may ask this several times, and then even more after that, but is my logic sound so far with what I just typed above?
  • jlr_12
    jlr_12 Posts: 170 Member
    let's put it this way...if you eat 2000 calories and burn 2000 calories in a day, your body will have ZERO fuel, because the exercise negated what you ate. SO if you're eating 2000 calories and burn 4000, you're body is getting NEGATIVE 2000 calories for fuel. Imagine it's a car instead of a body...could it run on -$40 of gas? No, it can't. And neither can you. If eating 3500 calories or more seems like too much to you, then you need to exercise less, simple as that. Find a balance that does work for you. Your numbers at the end of the day should NEVER be a negative, and really shouldn't be under your BMR.
  • nivlage
    nivlage Posts: 26 Member
    You should never be netting below your bmr. Either start eating more calorie-dense foods, or exercise less. Your body won't last long if you put that much strain on it; it's like trying to make a car run with no gas.

    If I don't eat below my BMR how can I lose weight? My BMR may be around 2200 or so and MFP says to eat 1870 or less to lose 2lbs per week.

    Wouldnt my body just use the stored fat as energy?

    How come the people on biggest loser are exercising a ton and not eating more to compensate for the calories they burned?

    *so confused*

    Your BMR is based on how many calories you would burn if you did literally nothing all day. If you aren't eating at least that number... you aren't supplying your body with what it needs for its essential functions... So when you are burning more than you eat your aren't doing your body a bit of good. EAT MORE FOOD. or you know... work out less. the choice is yours.

    Ok I got it. Well I guess my BMR just seems high because I weigh so much right now. I can always reevaluate my BMR every 5lbs and keep it right in the crosshairs. Well this is good news everyone!!! I think I will just tone down my exercising a little bit and balance it with my eating. This is going to be pretty simple now. The good news is that on the days that I worked out like 4000 calories, I checked it out on fitness pal and then I made up for it with pizza and cheesticks. I know that was a bad idea but I needed to make the calories up quick and it looks like that did it. Now I can tune the exercise down a little- if I mess up on eating I can just go in the gym and do 3-4 hours if when I need too. Thats just in case I mess up, which, lets face it, I'm going to someday. So yeah, Ill turn down the exercise and dial in a balanced diet a touch above my BMR and I should be on my way.

    Does this sound pretty good? I am trying to reword what you guys are saying so I can understand it the best ya know? lol

    let's put it this way...if you eat 2000 calories and burn 2000 calories in a day, your body will have ZERO fuel, because the exercise negated what you ate. SO if you're eating 2000 calories and burn 4000, you're body is getting NEGATIVE 2000 calories for fuel. Imagine it's a car instead of a body...could it run on -$40 of gas? No, it can't. And neither can you. If eating 3500 calories or more seems like too much to you, then you need to exercise less, simple as that. Find a balance that does work for you. Your numbers at the end of the day should NEVER be a negative, and really shouldn't be under your BMR.

    Ok thanks for the tips!! I don't want to run out of gas!!
  • Ironlion45
    Ironlion45 Posts: 12 Member
    To the naysayers out there that this guy could be burning that much energy working out, I'd like to remind folks that the calories you burn exercising depend a lot on your mass.

    A 300 pound man like me walking around burns twice as much energy as someone weighing 150 walking the same distance, all other things being equal (gait, pace, etc.). The amount of energy it takes to carry 1 pound is half the energy it takes to carry 2 pounds, right?

    Now variations in individuals and metabolic rates have a big affect, but 1 hour of a good super-circuit workout for me would probably also come close to a 1000 calorie workout (or an ambulance ride).

    But asking whether this guy is overdoing it? Well yes. IF he's burning 4000 a day then he should be probably getting more nutrition. At least his BMR. what was that, like 1500 calories? If he can keep it up without wearing his body out, then great for him.

    But most of the time when people do this so intensely they get burned out and rebound. :/