best choices for breakfast on the go...



  • itsmedicinalbacon
    this was all great info for me-I just started and I don't like breakfast-thank you for asking and thank you for the great responses!
  • estinson79
    Kashi granola bars and an apple
    Greek yogurt with granola and berries
    whole grain waffle with peanut butter

    And then there's always a protein shake!
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    okay so im trying to plan my meals instead of winging it like i used to... and was wondering if anyone had any quick on the go breakfasts.. because if its not able to be made fast then ill skip it all together just because i love my sleep lol ...
    so some things i am thinking about buying...

    to go oatmeal...


    any other ideas.

    Try these, less processing, less sugar and still as easy as your other choices my husband grew up drinking this

    I dont know if you drink coffee in the morning but this is what I usually do as I am not a morning person either. While my coffee is brewing and I am not completely awake I put a half a teaspoon of olive oil in a skillet and turn it on, pop a slice of whole wheat bread into the toaster and then crack two eggs into the skillet. And add salt and pepper, check on the coffee, pour it into the cup and dr it to my taste as I dont like coffee, then put the toast on a plate and add the eggs cooked over medium on top of the toast. The egg yokes moisten the toast to replace the loss of butter as I leave it dry. The toast and eggs 180 calories but full of protein and satisfying healthy fats and just enough carbs to get me by a few hours also. HTH
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I'm the same in that I want convenience. Here's what I recommend:

    Better Oats Oat Revolution Maple & Brown Sugar with Flax oatmeal. It's MOT***FUC**** delicious. Trust me. That quaker stuff is alright...I've bought those little tubs once or twice...but this is way better and much cheaper. As far as convenience...throw it in a styrofoam cup and put hot water over it and its ready to eat in less than a minute.

    If you like greek yogurt try the different Chobani flavors. Good stuff.

    Hard boiled eggs.

    okay ill try the better oats instead... but i dont mess with hard boiled eggs... if im working out i tend to up chuck it if u know what i mean... lol

    Lol understood. Definitely try the better oats though. They're wonderful.