Just found this

What a great web site. My Dr. told me lose weight quit smoking, or have a heartattack. So I have begun to change my ways. I love the fact that this site has it all.


  • zombiesniper
    What a great web site. My Dr. told me lose weight quit smoking, or have a heartattack. So I have begun to change my ways. I love the fact that this site has it all.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Welcome and good luck.
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Great to have you here! Best of luck!
  • maverick38
    maverick38 Posts: 1 Member
    Congrats! I quit smoking 2.5 years ago. I smoked for 14 years... the most amazing thing I can share with you is that I had no idea I was sick until I wasn't anymore. The best tip would be to NOT have that smoke 3-ish months after you quit. You don't really want it, you're not having a nic fit, you just think you would like one because you enjoy it.... DONT DO IT!!! I tried for 3 years before I quit (Zyban) and it was always the cocky "I can have one, I don't even crave them anymore... Im fine to have one" that killed me.
    Good Luck, you are about to be well in so many ways :)
  • babyhippo
    :happy: Congratulations on quiting smoking. Just think.......All the money you save on cigarettes.....
    You can put toward new "skinny clothes". Yea!!!:happy:
  • dawn66
    dawn66 Posts: 166
    welcome, and congrats on your new healthy life style. I quit smoking 5 months ago, and guess what??? It actually does get easier....:flowerforyou:
  • trishkizer
    Yes I love this website as well. It really keeps me on track by calculating what I eat. Congradulations and good luck!