confused on calories

Last weekend, I wanted to do a bit of a detox so I only ate fruits, veggies (raw) and had approx 50g of protein a day. For those 3 days, I was around 1100-1200 calories a day. I wound up losing about 4 pounds that weekend. I felt great and... for the first time in a month, the scale finally budged in my favor. Prior to this, I was eating approx 1400 calories a day. I run or bike 5 days a week and do strength training 2 times a week. I wound up falling in to the habit of having minimal calories and was around 1000-1100 for the rest of the week and I was down a total of about 5 pounds. I went back to my normal calories of around 1400 this past Saturday and am already seeing the scale go up 2 pounds. I am not eating chips, burgers or fries. I am still keeping it healthy and non processed as much as I can. So... what gives? Is it possible that I really should stay under 1200 calories to see results?

BTW: 5'5" and 160# currently.


  • bschoo01
    bschoo01 Posts: 175 Member
    3500 calories = 1 lb... so to actually gain 2 pounds in one week you would have had to eat 7000 extra calories... and u didn't!! more than likely it's water weight... and because you were exercising on such low calorie intake ur metabolism slowed down... you should always eat 1200 calories plus at least half of the allowed exercise calories back... my aunt is a nutritionist and yoga/aerobics instructor and has really helped me out a lot! Truly you have to eat to lose!