Good carbs vs.bad carbs?


I am over my carbs by 17 points. I havnt eaten anything unhealthy other then coffee with milk & sugar, brown rice and an organic soy pudding. I am thinking of having some strawberries but i just noticed they have carbs as well(had them earlier today).

Is it okay to be over in carbs if they are "good" carbs or should i try to stick with the numbers that mfp gives me? Will eating a bit over the daily carbs cause me not to lose weight? I still have 200 calories left for today.

Thanks in advance and I am sorry for bothering ppl with my questions, still trying to get used to all of this.


  • OverflowingRhythm
    u just went over by 17 carbs and if i can remember correctly its like 4 calories per gram of carbs so u didnt go over by alot and it really is a small number especially if u workout and are generally on the move so dont wrry too much about it the number is still pretty small. As for good carbs and bad carbs the only thing i remember on that subject is the good carbs=complex carbs where u stay full longer and it takes longer to digest. And the Bad carbs=simple carbs where they digest really quick and spike ur insulin levels or something along those lines. Hope i helped and keep on the grind friend!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    I am over my carbs by 17 points. I havnt eaten anything unhealthy other then coffee with milk & sugar, brown rice and an organic soy pudding. I am thinking of having some strawberries but i just noticed they have carbs as well(had them earlier today).

    Is it okay to be over in carbs if they are "good" carbs or should i try to stick with the numbers that mfp gives me? Will eating a bit over the daily carbs cause me not to lose weight? I still have 200 calories left for today.

    Thanks in advance and I am sorry for bothering ppl with my questions, still trying to get used to all of this.

    No, maintaining a caloric deficit whilst eating carbs will still cause you to lose weight. Although it'd be a good idea to make sure you aren't sacrificing adequate protein and fat intake for carbs
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I would eat the Strawberries, and think twice about the sugar in the coffee and the organic soy pudding next time.

    Remember, organic does NOT imply healthy, all it means is that the ingredients were grown/produced without chemicals. They can add all the sugar they want.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member

    I am over my carbs by 17 points. I havnt eaten anything unhealthy other then coffee with milk & sugar, brown rice and an organic soy pudding. I am thinking of having some strawberries but i just noticed they have carbs as well(had them earlier today).

    Is it okay to be over in carbs if they are "good" carbs or should i try to stick with the numbers that mfp gives me? Will eating a bit over the daily carbs cause me not to lose weight? I still have 200 calories left for today.

    Thanks in advance and I am sorry for bothering ppl with my questions, still trying to get used to all of this.

    No, maintaining a caloric deficit whilst eating carbs will still cause you to lose weight. Although it'd be a good idea to make sure you aren't sacrificing adequate protein and fat intake for carbs

    What he said.

    Go enjoy your strawberries!
  • loislane22
    Thank you so much everyone for the replies! Will be trying to stop the coffee with sugar intake but its hard, splenda tastes really bad.

    Thanks again everyone who replied, appreciate it :)
  • loislane22
    I would eat the Strawberries, and think twice about the sugar in the coffee and the organic soy pudding next time.

    Remember, organic does NOT imply healthy, all it means is that the ingredients were grown/produced without chemicals. They can add all the sugar they want.

    Thank you for the reply, I do realize that organic does not mean healthy, but I allow myself to indulge in a pudding every few days. Giving up chocolate has been very difficult. :)
  • seekingstrengthX2
    I would totally not stress about going over by 17. 100? Sure... 17? Noooo.... bigger things to worry about in life. Eat your strawberries, silly. Every # along the bottom of your diary cannot be perfect every time AND... Most Importantly, it doesn't need to be. I consider them more as guidelines.. Hee.

  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Really, the whole "good carbs vs bad carbs" thing is over rated. The type of carb is really irrelevant, as long as you get your proper levels of nutrition (enough protein, fat, fiber, vitamins, and minerals,) the types of carbs you eat don't matter.

    Unless you're diabetic, then it can matter, but, otherwise, it's irrelevant.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member

    I am over my carbs by 17 points. I havnt eaten anything unhealthy other then coffee with milk & sugar, brown rice and an organic soy pudding. I am thinking of having some strawberries but i just noticed they have carbs as well(had them earlier today).

    Is it okay to be over in carbs if they are "good" carbs or should i try to stick with the numbers that mfp gives me? Will eating a bit over the daily carbs cause me not to lose weight? I still have 200 calories left for today.

    Thanks in advance and I am sorry for bothering ppl with my questions, still trying to get used to all of this.

    The bad carbs are the ones that push you over your targets
  • thegrainmaster

    The 'good' carbohydrate sources will be whole intact grains ( brown rice, wheat-berries, oats) and starchy vegetables like potatoes sweet and white, also squashes.

    Processed carbs are higher in caloric density and are easier to over-consume.... The wholefood carbs are higher in water content and lower in caloric density, with the starchy veg and Oatmeal being the lowest of all.

    Many people make the huge mistake of thinking fruits are the best carbohydrate sources.. However, they're not..

    Fructose is metabolised by the liver like fat and is easily stored as body fat ( through a process known as De Nova Lipogenesis ) ... grains and starchy vegetables are digested into glucose, which is extremely difficult to store as body fat.

    Hope I helped!
  • thegrainmaster
    I would also recommend you drop the liquid calories.. like milk and the sugar ( which doesn't promote satiety )

    Your diet should be mostly carbohydrate, all grains and starchy vegetables are 10%-20% protein.. this is enough.

    Think of this as a life long change... Something you can keep up for the rest of your life.... The key is to keep it simply so you don't get overwhelmed.
  • loislane22
    Wow, thanks again everyone for the replies. I think I maybe get it now, still a huge learning curve for me. I have lost 11 pounds since January, 8 more to go, as for giving up coffee, I dont think I can, I went from 6 cups a day to 2-3 cups.

    I just wanted to make sure that having a small fruit snack late at night was not a huge deal.
  • berodriguez45
    Coffee without sugar doesn't taste as good the first week or so but your bud tastes will get used to it in no time. It took me 2 weeks and know I don't even think about it. You can do it!
  • loislane22
    Coffee without sugar doesn't taste as good the first week or so but your bud tastes will get used to it in no time. It took me 2 weeks and know I don't even think about it. You can do it!

    AHHHH just the thought of it scares me. Maybe I will give it a try. Thanks :)
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    I would eat the Strawberries, and think twice about the sugar in the coffee and the organic soy pudding next time.

    Remember, organic does NOT imply healthy, all it means is that the ingredients were grown/produced without chemicals. They can add all the sugar they want.

    Food is made of chemicals.

    From the research I've seen, the bad carb is fructose. The primary sources of that are fruit, high fructose corn syrup (usually 55% fructose), and sucrose (after one processing step, 50% fructose).
  • thegrainmaster
    If you need to sweeten something, doesn't that tell you that perhaps it's something you shouldn't be drinking the first place?

    Plain coffee is digusting on its own, which illustrates how unhealthy it actually is.

    The sugar ( carbohydrate ) makes it taste nice, this shows how Humans are naturally suited to the consumption of high amounts of carbohydrates..

    All you need to do is eat wholefood forms of carbohydrates, like I said previously.. Some fruit is O.K, but it is a simple carbohydrate and won't offer much satiety - complex carbs should be the focus, they offer the most satiety and protein.

    However, fruits are still beneficial in terms in nutrients etc.. vegetables also contain them, but are often less palatable, and alot of their Vitamin C is destroyed via cooking at high heats.

    Protein and fat dominate foods ( meat, avocados, nuts ) should NEVER comprise the bulk of your diet, this is why you will get cravings etc...If you allow your diet to be high in carbs, your cravings for carbs will be nonexistent... you see? lol
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    If you need to sweeten something, doesn't that tell you that perhaps it's something you shouldn't be drinking the first place?

    Plain coffee is digusting on its own, which illustrates how unhealthy it actually is.

    The sugar ( carbohydrate ) makes it taste nice, this shows how Humans are naturally suited to the consumption of high amounts of carbohydrates..

    All you need to do is eat wholefood forms of carbohydrates, like I said previously.. Some fruit is O.K, but it is a simple carbohydrate and won't offer much satiety - complex carbs should be the focus, they offer the most satiety and protein.

    However, fruits are still beneficial in terms in nutrients etc.. vegetables also contain them, but are often less palatable, and alot of their Vitamin C is destroyed via cooking at high heats.

    Protein and fat dominate foods ( meat, avocados, nuts ) should NEVER comprise the bulk of your diet, this is why you will get cravings etc...If you allow your diet to be high in carbs, your cravings for carbs will be nonexistent... you see? lol

    Why is coffee unhealthy?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I would eat the Strawberries, and think twice about the sugar in the coffee and the organic soy pudding next time.

    Remember, organic does NOT imply healthy, all it means is that the ingredients were grown/produced without chemicals. They can add all the sugar they want.

    Food is made of chemicals.

    From the research I've seen, the bad carb is fructose. The primary sources of that are fruit, high fructose corn syrup (usually 55% fructose), and sucrose (after one processing step, 50% fructose).

    Obviously food is made of chemicals. So is air and your body and literally everything else in the universe. Thanks for the sarcastic and thoroughly unproductive comment. If you like, I could be more specific about what is allowed for organic food production, but it's really not relevant to this conversation. My point is that organic is not a health claim, which the OP acknowledged.
  • loislane22
    Thank you again everyone.

    I will not give up my coffee or my soy pudding. I understand this is a lifestyle change and all of that, but I think the process should be enjoyed.

    I think you should be allowed to eat the foods that make you happy,in moderation. Instead of eating a box of chocolate chip cookies I went for a pudding instead, is this so bad?

    Coffee isnt bad for you, its what you put in it that makes it bad. I know the things i put in it are bad and I am okay with that. I have cut out fast food, juices, pizza and chocolate, I think i should be able to keep something that makes me happy.

  • loislane22
    I would eat the Strawberries, and think twice about the sugar in the coffee and the organic soy pudding next time.

    Remember, organic does NOT imply healthy, all it means is that the ingredients were grown/produced without chemicals. They can add all the sugar they want.

    Food is made of chemicals.

    From the research I've seen, the bad carb is fructose. The primary sources of that are fruit, high fructose corn syrup (usually 55% fructose), and sucrose (after one processing step, 50% fructose).

    Obviously food is made of chemicals. So is air and your body and literally everything else in the universe. Thanks for the sarcastic and thoroughly unproductive comment. If you like, I could be more specific about what is allowed for organic food production, but it's really not relevant to this conversation. My point is that organic is not a health claim, which the OP acknowledged.


    I completely agree with you, well said.