health question...swelling

abr25 Posts: 179
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
So this is not really related to eating but more health. I have been getting these episodes of swelling for about 4 months now. For example this morning I woke up and my entire tounge was swollen. It was hard to talk or eat or anything. I have had the swelling on the bottoms of my feet, my hands/fingers, my lips and mouth.

I saw a doctor who thought it could be and infection from a virus and that it should go away within a month. He put me on zyrtec and i take it every day. I recently tried stopping it and have have episodes galorreeee.

Its scary, and upsetting me so much. Does anyone know what this could be? Should I see another doctor? Any advice would be awesome :frown:


  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    A second oppinion may be in your best interest
  • rstarks54
    rstarks54 Posts: 163
    definitely, consult a physician. It may an allergy, but without proper testing it is difficult to determine. See your doctor immediately!!! A swollen tongue can affect your airway! Best to you and yours, Rick
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    I went through something similar last summer. I didn't have swelling in my mouth, but my arms fingers, feet, even my lips would have weird random painfull swelling. Not having a family Dr where I live now I went to 6 before I finally got a referral to a specialist. Most seemed to attribute it to my weight and passed me off as a hypochondriact.

    Have they done blood tests? A second opinion may be a good idea. Sometimes you have to keep going until you get a real answer. I had a bit of a fit with Dr. #4 and she referred me to a rheumatologist to shut me up. I spent almost 6 months just trying to get someone to take it seriously. It turns out mine is a rare autoimmune disorder, but they were testing me for a large number of possible causes.

    Believe me, I know how frustrating it can be. Hang in there and I hope you find answers soon!
  • abr25
    abr25 Posts: 179
    I think seeing someone else will be good as well. They have't done any tests besides food allergy tests which all came up negative......anyone else have any suggestions or heard about this ever happening to anyone/what it was?????
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    I think seeing someone else will be good as well. They have't done any tests besides food allergy tests which all came up negative......anyone else have any suggestions or heard about this ever happening to anyone/what it was?????

    Unfortunately it could be any number of things. When they were testing me they were looking at everything from heat, weight related, allergies, viruses, lupus, arthritis etc. I think I had a different diagnosis from each of the 7 Drs I saw. Friends of mine were googling symptoms and the list of possibilities was huge. You can drive yourself crazy trying to self diagnose, I know I did.

    What I have found helpful is keeping a calendar and marking when I have an episode (you could even do it in the notes section of your diary on here). I have found that some things will trigger a flare-up and there are times of the month where I am more likely to have one. This may help when you see a different Dr.
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