on a roundabout

I am so good during the week and then ended up putting all the weight I have lost back on over the weekend, I am getting nowhere. I just can't seem to say not to a glass or 5 of wine on Friday and Saturday nights and then I end up hungover not wanting to go to gym and making bad food choices. Anyone else have this problem?


  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I used to have that same problem (of drinking.) ever since I've quit it all together it's been amazing. But, I won't lie...it really sucks to not be able to have a few beers with the guys. Last week they all made fun of me for drinking water over beer. But, it was joking (like guys do.) and I'm really happy I've stopped!
  • naomioosting
    naomioosting Posts: 6 Member
    I have totally the same problem, and maybe part of the reason is that we are both within 6-7kg of our goal, which doesn't seem like a huge amount of weight to lose, so in my opinion that kind of makes it difficult to go completely off things like wine if its what you enjoy because you figure by now you should be able to let your hair down once in awhile and still reach your goal.

    Unfortunately if you do over indulge in the alcohol it does make it hard to get back on the wagon the next day and have a good day to balance it out, and before you know it you have spent the whole weekend/holiday whatever 'off the wagon', which sabotages all the good work you do the rest of the time.

    I'm sorry to say I don't have a magic answer! I did go off alcohol for 6 weeks and my weight loss went much better...understandably. But eventually I did want to let my hair down and it wasn't so easy to go back to abstinance as the solution. I personally think that any weight loss solution has to be one you can maintain for the rest of your life. So if going without wine for the rest of your life doesn't sound like something you could live with then I don't think it is really the answer. I think that working out a strategy where you can have a wine or 5 once in awhile with out it stuffing you up for the rest of the weekend is part of the answer or restricting those weekends to once a month instead of once a week, or something along those lines is a more sustainable solution.
    Let me know if you work it out I will be interested to hear!
  • shunima
    shunima Posts: 13 Member
    I am so good during the week and then ended up putting all the weight I have lost back on over the weekend, I am getting nowhere. I just can't seem to say not to a glass or 5 of wine on Friday and Saturday nights and then I end up hungover not wanting to go to gym and making bad food choices. Anyone else have this problem?

    I'm enjoying my beer when going out with friends and I refuse to give it up. But if I know that I will most likely have up to 5 bottles of beer (700 calories) that evening I "work" them off before I meet with friends. I force myself into the gym and do 45 vigorous minutes (500 cal.) on cross trainer and bike. Then I safe some small calories on my food intake during that day. That does it for me, I do not gain during these days and have a steady weight loss even with an evening like this once a week. Hangover... Get yourself some electrolyte powder (Dehydration powder) in the drugstore and take it with at least half a liter of water before you go to bed. I does wonders the next morning to your head and your muscles. Usually I have no problem to head back to the gym but most likely in the afternoon hours :-)
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    thanks for the replys, I know there is no magical answer (but was hoping for one). Fridays I need to get my butt out of bed early and hit the gym before work so I can enjoy a few drinks after work without the guilt.

    and I will try harder this weekend to make better food choices.
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    I still enjoy my craft beers (which often run 300 calories a pint or more) , but:

    1) I don't drink as many of them or as often as I used to; and
    2) I try to exercise a little more to "earn" them.