Calories Burned, for Gardening- for real?!

I know that the easiest way for me to know how many calories I burn in any given exercise session (or at least closer to the approximate amount of calories I burned) is to wear an HRM.

However, I do not have one.

I was in my backyard for about 4-5 hours today digging, shoveling, and hauling WET dirt, bricks, and gravel in a wheelbarrow up and down small inclines, with lots of squatting to lift heavy loads. I can't say that my heart rate was necessarily UP for 4 hours in a row of doing this, but what I do know is I'm so tired, I can barely even chew the food I managed to make for dinner (don't even talk to me about lifting my fork to my mouth).

I counted half the time I was out there as exercise. 150 minutes of "Gardening, general" is estimated to be 717 calories burned? What is the reality of someone REALLY burning this many calories as this "Gardening, General" estimates? Has anyone out there ever tried it out while doing this type of landscaping?


  • Skinny_Jeans_Soon
    Skinny_Jeans_Soon Posts: 326 Member
    Yes, I have a HRM and I wore it over a 2 hour period of gardening. I was moving 40lb bags of dirt, raking, lifting landscaping stones etc for 2 hour straight and my HRM read 1,110 cals for the entire session. It is really good exercise. I bet you burned way more than the 700 you logged.
  • walker001
    walker001 Posts: 116 Member
    YEAH, because you don't know exactly, go with what you calcuated. It is better to under estimate that go over. Good work on the gardening. I have started mine and hope I will be out there again tomorrow, depending on when the rain arrives.