Do you take your physical ability for granted?



  • thinclo
    thinclo Posts: 164 Member
    thanks for posting this, its very easy to take mobility for-granted. i think i do most of the time :blushing:
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    Thanks for helping keep things in perspective.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Absolutely not. I'm in a wheelchair. I'm thankful that I am able to do anything at all, and am always challenging myself.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    YES! Last summer I sprained my ankle in an exercise class, and was off cardio for about two weeks, minus swimming. I hated it. For another month or so, I was really limited on what I could do. Really made me appreciate what I could do before.

    A couple weeks ago, I was hit by a car while crossing the street, and the impact was on my knees. I am currently in physical therapy, and am off running until the doctor says so. I am lucky I can still do elliptical and bike, but I have been missing running like CRAZY!

    Definitely more appreciative now! <3
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    i used to. until i had a stroke and became a quadriplegic for a while. some of you know my story, most don't. i was paralyzed from the neck down. i was conscious the entire time, but couldn't move. now i can run a 10k. it's a super-long story, but just know that i absolutely don't take it for granted anymore.

    if you're interested in what happened, let me know. i'm happy to share, just don't wanna hijack the thread!
  • cyberskirt
    cyberskirt Posts: 218
    I was at wellness for recovery from a loss of mobility... I think I cried the first week when I was forced to admit I couldn't do what I used to...

    like walk... and of course, run
    get up from the floor
    climb a ladder

    so many things I had to relearn or learn new ways of doing.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I've had periods in my life when I couldn't walk at all. I try not to take anything for granted, but we're all human and naturally take the things we have for granted occasionally.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Yes, sometimes I do.

    Some days I forget that there was a long time that going to the bathroom by myself was my goal. There was a time when bathing myself was worthy of a celebratory dinner. Then came the new goal of standing up on my own and cooking. Of being able to read again. Of 'graduating' from my chair to Scoots. Then later from Scoots to pushing Scoots.

    I forget how far I've come and beat myself up because I still can't run, can't stand for very long, can't squat with good form, can't turn around in a little circle without doing 'whiplash arms'.

    I use my handicap to beat myself up more often than I should. thanks for the reminder that I do know what it's like and my journey is not completed just yet.
  • Fit4Evolution
    Fit4Evolution Posts: 375 Member
    I just Blogged my story on my profile , I had 2 broken arms back in 2001 , the road to recovery was a difficult one. I still dont have my full range of motion in my right wrist but i now can lift with the best.! ive become a personal trainer and started helping other as a result.
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    Nope not at all! I have Lupus so I have MANY days where simply supporting my own body weight on my joints is a chore. That's why I try to go so hard when I'm in remission! I look longingly at people doing workouts like Insanity because the spirit is willing but the body...ehhh the body isn't having it. But I will bust a modified version in a NY minute!
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    I USED to till a car accident left me in a wheel chair for 6 months , 5 reconstructive surgeries and 18 months in a walking cast just to get to the point where I could WALK. Now 10 years later Im out playing softball , snowboarding and jogging ... But its taken a long time to get back to this point and I still feel it alot of the time.. but the discomfort of stiff joints is still better than the depression brought on by the lack of mobility
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    I thank God every time I have to work out that I am ABLE to workout...even if I hate every second of it! :tongue: :laugh:
    I don't do well with injuries that slow me down or make me stop...I get cranky and teary so I appreciate every fully functioning minute my body gives me in this life.
  • kaatielove
    kaatielove Posts: 113
    My VERY healthy, VERY fit, VERY happy, wealthy, lovable Dad had a stroke in March of 2009. He was left with left-sided paralysis and every day is a struggle for him. He's on so many meds, he has no muscle mass left, he is miserable & depressed, his bank account has been drained from the consistent physical therapy & home health. Not to mention no income & bills that he was able to afford before the stroke. He can't even put a T-shirt on by himself, let alone drive his cars or change his sheets. Each and every one of us take so much for granted on a daily basis. He is the last person I thought something like this could happen to. Our lives have been forever changed just by one single event. The day my Daddy almost lost his life, I gained a new responsibily of caretaker. <3
  • trinitymel1982
    I would say never but as I have been wrecking it with to much crap food it would be partly a lie! But I try not to as, My dad has only one leg, my little girl is hearing impaired and I had a stroke at 24 and 2 more and many TIA's since, so I always try not to. I know how lucky I am that I still have all my body parts and they all function (almost) perfectly.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    No, I don't.

    I was born with a skeletal deformity, so I'm not 'balanced'. Kids made fun of me all the time. I'm glad I could and can still walk, there may still be a possibility that I may end up in a wheel chair later in life. I'll deal with it if it comes.

    I also recently had a tumor growing on my right hand, on the thumb, and the doctor said, because of the location, I may lose the use or feeling in my hand (I am right handed). i decided to deal with it if it happened, well, my job decided they didn't want to deal with it, so they fired me, and I went to surgery. Didn't lose the use of my hand, but I have lost some feeling, I deal with it as best as I can.

    There is no use to be angry at what you cannot do, you have to be thankful for what you CAN do.
  • Fockertots
    Fockertots Posts: 221
    This thread is awesome and super inspiring.
    Y'all rock.
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    i am happy that i can walk
    when i was in kindergarten, i got the chicken pox (very common right?) well some reason i had a STROKE and was paralyzed for weeks on 1 side of my body .. i couldn't walk to the bathroom, hell i couldn't even tell i had to go, sitting up NOPE couldn't do it ... etc

    before i was allowed to leave the hosp, i had to show i could walk (with support)
    i had age on my side b/c i was young, but i will never forget that, and now i love walking and want to build up to jogging ( i love it in spurts)
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I did take everything for granted until I travelled to Africa and I am thankful for everything I have, especially physically. There are no concessions made by society to people in those countries who are physically disabled like wheelchair ramps and low down buttons for elevators, etc or for the sick and dying..they just get on with it.
  • reneegee23
    reneegee23 Posts: 233 Member
    I did until I tore my plantar fascia last summer. Now I do not take it for granted. Anytime I want to crap out, I just remind myself of the 12+ weeks when I couldn't even do a jumping jack.
  • KatesBadAss
    KatesBadAss Posts: 38 Member
    This thread is awesome and super inspiring.
    Y'all rock.

    ^^ This. I was having a pity party of one today. Not anymore. You guys are amazing. Thank you for sharing all of your stories.