Gaining weight and inches after 2 weeks- Advice??

This is similar to some other posts, but I didn't want to take over another's thread looking for advice.

I started this program to lose a few lbs after being out of commission for over a month with pneumonia, and to get my nutrition back on track. I never really gain much weight, but I work out a good amount and my body never changes. I know that is in part because my eating habits weren't TERRIBLE but have been carb heavy and lacking in nutrients, and I never paid attention to calories.

I have been using MFP for 2 weeks, and have gained about 3lbs, my mid section seems bigger, and I can barely button pants I wore a week ago. It almost looks like I'm getting a mini baby-bump (and I assure you 100% that is not the case LOL)

I am back to taking my vitamins (that include a multi, omega-3s, probiotic, iron- pretty much everything!) I have been getting more than enough water, getting enough or w/in 200-300 cal under of my net calorie goal, I've drastically cut my carb intake, and work out 5-6 days a week 2 or more hours a day doing a mix of cardio weight lifiting, cardio kick-boxing, yoga, cardio-dance classes.

The only other thing I can wonder is I have an inhaler (QVAR) that I had been taking after being sick, but in the past couple of weeks I only have taken it here or there and maybe only once instead of 2x a day like I did for a week or so a little while ago.
Not sure if that has any affect.

Any thoughts/suggestions/advice would be GREATLY appreciated! I'm running out of things to wear to work- and not in a good way!



  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    It's hard to give specific advice without seeing your diary, so maybe if you make that public, people will be able to help more.

    One possibility is that you're not eating enough. How many calories are you aiming for, and what are your height and weight? If you're only got a few lbs to lose (which it sounds like) you should only be aiming to lose about 0.5 lb a week, and your calorie intake should not be too low. Also, you should be trying to get closer to your calorie goal than within 200-300, and you should be eating your exercise calories back. It sounds like you're doing loads of exercise, so you need to give your body enough fuel to do that.

    Another possibility - you're overestimating your calorie burn. This only applies if you're eating your exercise calories back already. The MFP exercise database can be very inaccurate and even gym machines can be. Your best bet is, if possible, to invest in a heart rate monitor so you can get a more accurate estimate. If you have no option but to go with MFP's estimates, then maybe only eat half of the exercise calories back and see if that helps.

    Another possibility - you're underestimating how many calories you're consuming. Are you being very strict and logging EVERYTHING that you eat? Are you weighing/measuring food accurately or do you make guesses?

    You may also be retaining water (from all that exercise making your muscles hold onto water and/or from excess sodium in your diet). That would possibly account for the weight gain, although probably not so much the tight clothes, unless you feel really bloated. Something to keep an eye on though - you can track sodium in your diary.

    It sounds like you're doing something right, with not having to use your inhaler as much. (I have no idea what other effects the inhaler has though). You must be getting fitter! Make sure you get enough rest too, as your body needs to heal. Maybe aim for 5 days working out rather than 6.